
So this is a pretty cool game, but I would recommend getting this on PC (on Steam) as the DLC songs on console are rarely discounted. You probably have to buy the USB cable separately, but I think you still end up saving way more in the long run if you like the game. Also I’m sure the PC version during a Steam sale is

So this is a pretty cool game, but I would recommend getting this on PC (on Steam) as the DLC songs on console are


Man, it looks like it still has the double click issue. I’m done supporting Logitech with their shitty planned obsolescence micro switches.

Man, it looks like it still has the double click issue. I’m done supporting Logitech with their shitty planned

So that is something made to resemble the IO giff meme.

It varies from organization to organization. This actually turned into an issue when one of the players from Navi (who won the first international) refused to give Navi their cut that was promised in their contract. That was at the beginning though when there wasnt much money in the scene. I think most of the big orgs

I really enjoyed the season overall. I thought Tulip and Cassidy were the best part of the show. I wasn’t sold on some of the relationships though. Especially the friendship between Cassidy and Custer. I didn’t get how a 100 year vampire would instantly make Custer his best friend and even risk killing himself for

Are you using Firefox on a MacBook? I’ve been having the issue on my MacBook for a long time but it’s been fine on PC.

While it’s definitely true that MOBAs owe a lot to Blizzard, it would be unfair to say that Blizzard themselves have not been inspired at all by their work. They might have been fan made, and many spells/designs were directly taken from WC3 (for a lot of the early heroes) but icefrog/pendragon/etc developed Dota/LoL

It’s a shame they haven’t announced the laptop versions of the 1070 and 1080 yet. The best thing about those are the lower power consumption which should be amazing for laptops. Guess you just gotta wait till they release their next version.

Well even though I’m not interested in the game at all, it looks like I need to buy it on Vita just out of principle at this point.

This is true. They could do what they are doing with Romancing Saga and screw us over completely.

Huh, that’s a bummer.

Sweet, I’ll be expecting Square’s updated release statement anytime now. I believe in the power of the Kotaku JRPG master.

Jason, have you told Square they need to release this on Vita here?

The thing is beautiful but I never really feel like reading from them since they are so huge. It’s definitely mostly a collectors item. The smaller collections are much better if you want to read them all again, but will ultimately be much more expensive.

Apparently MLG and CEVO weren’t even approached when they made this. Major teams like EG and C9 are notably absent from this as well.

Man, I just want the dot. It’s so stupid that only existing Echo owners can buy it. Why would I want to play stuff from those dinky speakers when I have a surround sound system already.

Man, I just want the dot. It’s so stupid that only existing Echo owners can buy it. Why would I want to play stuff

That’s a huge bummer. I feel like they didn’t think a lot of this through when they were making the game.

Huh, that’s a bummer. Thanks for the info!

So once you upload to course world, you can no longer upload again if it’s removed from there? I guess that makes sense. So you can’t edit your local levels either? And then re-upload?