
Yeah, that was one match though. And honestly, late game decision making is some of the funnest stuff to watch in Dota 2. Even in that 3 hour match, they were pulling out some really cool stuff with them attempting to close out the game.

I still think the majority of that is still mostly bad outdrafts (seriously EE? Drafting Lone Druid against that lineup?). But definitely some of it is the patch. I don’t think the comeback mechanic needed to be nerfed that hard.

Glad you enjoyed it! I never thought I would have fun watching anyone play video games, but Dota changed that for me. And you are at the tip of the iceberg, once you have teams that you follow and have some sort of emotional investment in the team, it becomes a lot more interesting.

Yeah, once you get recommended by an editor once, all of your new comments should be automatically approved. Yeah, everyone goes through it, I’ve been on site since back when there were starred commenters and I had to get approved again when the last Kinja update came out. It was kinda annoying, but it happened fairly

I believe an editor has to recommend one of your comments. It’s kind of arbitrary when that happens as I don’t think authors go through all the greys all that often. You’ll probably have some luck if you comment on a story that doesn’t have many comments.

Yeah I forgot that you still got XP when you did non-lethal takedowns.

Ah, yeah you are right, you do get exp for knocking people out. I forgot about that.

Ah, I see, thanks!

I played non-lethal stealth as well, but I was under the impression that you got experience for climbing through vents and such because it needed to make up for experience you were losing by not engaging enemies directly (you get EXP for killing enemies right?). Is it that you get significantly more EXP for non-lethal

Nah, Icefrog generally balances keeping the pro scene in mind. Since the last patch it’s been very difficult to breach high ground and end the game in pro matches, so a lot of these changes were made to change that, which in turn creates faster games.

Nah, I tried playing it again a month ago, the battle animations are frustratingly slow. Not that that means that they are much worse than VII or VIII, I can’t really replay those either for the same reasons.

So do I, but its not a port, its just emulating the PSX version. And while I love it, it’s just way too slow for me these days. A port with options to speed up battles would be the best.

Man if they port that game to PC/Vita with reduced battle load times and the option to speed up battles I’d be the happiest person in the world. I’ve been wanting to replay it for ages, but the battles are just too damn slow.

Warcraft 3-styled single player campaign you mean.

Honestly its pretty annoying that they don’t just put out downloads with English as the default and the other languages as free DLC (or just have the default as something you can customize in Steam). Those voice files take a surprising amount of space. It shouldn’t be that hard to implement.

Yeah its already there to some extent but its still very beta, I haven't tried it personally. But yeah, there are already maps trying to recreate WC3 mechanics (like base building). From accounts I've read its harder to make maps for Dota 2 than it was for Warcraft 3, but people are expecting that with the next patch

Custom map support is coming soon and will probably be part of the next update (which is rumored to be out by the end of the month).

Wut? Microsoft owns the IP and was publishing the game. That usually means they handle the money part and the studio handles the developing part. That’s how it has worked since like the beginning of game development. I’m pretty sure MS wouldn’t allow another source of funding as that means they would have to get a cut

Even though it was probably changed in keeping with the other stupid localization changes NoA makes with Kirby (happy face -> angry face), Kirby Canvas Curse does sound slightly better at least because of the alliteration (although Kirby Power Paintbrush isn’t bad either for the same reason).

I’d definitely like to see some people in the less publicized roles (sound engineers/designers, UI design people etc, programmers in general).