
You’re so incredibly wrong... It’s almost painful. I won’t go into why here, but feel free to look up the scores on metacritic, where pretty much every single review showered each game in the main trilogy with praise, across two console generations, and over a decade.

WTF are you talking about? The 360 had a ton of indie games; Limbo, Fez, Toy Soldiers, State of Decay, ect...

Better than sitting on a franchise and never releasing a sequel again. Though, at least the Halo games have been mostly of decent quality. Still waiting for a true sequel to Jet Set Radio.

You can believe what they did is an error. It’s a free country, believe it. I’m not stopping you. But I’m going to choose otherwise and that they were caught with their pants down and were forced to blame human error. I believe they abandoned decency and compassion but this is my ********opinion*******. I believe this

He’s an idiot dont waste your time. He wants to do math because evidently his mind is synthesized for this and this alone. Not compassion or decency.

Geeksquad bros are super territorial. Stay real.

Made an innoucuous comment and the guy so passionately fought against it. Hundred bucks he works there.

1. Some brands of water are that cheap for sure. Best Buy sells Dasani, and you can’t get a case of Dasani anywhere for $6

Your an idiot for engaging with this idiot, didnt best buy apologize for the price gouging?

Its not Best Buy’s responsibility to be kind to people when there is a crisis outside their door. Uh wait, maybe it is. Sorry.

Nah its shitty anyway you try and cut it.

A case of water is $6 bucks for 24. Also, posting signs reading “limited supply” next to people who are literally homeless with nothing doesnt seem entirely decent of company.