
The show wasnt that great this year. Some good games but it was overall a complete bore fest.

This was free on Xbox One last year hooray!

I’ve known multiple couples that give free passes to each other. A lot more these days...one couple has been married for 12 years now. The difference though is that none of them has kids.

I’m not so naive to not consider that, it is very very possible!!

Im getting the feeling your as big of a loser as me sitting on the internet all day fighting faceless people.

How do you kno an employee did that and wasnt best buy purposely doing that? For that to happen while also having a sign clearly indicating the scarcity of the water infers that clearly, it was premeditated. Prob wouldnt believe what Best Buy said since obviously, its their words but the evidence of the sign and

The washington times and Best Buy admitted to price gouging, or as their PR guy would put it “error”. I went and looked up a case of dasani water on the internet and nowhere have i seen a case for $42 bucks. If it walks like a duck....its price gouging. Seems rude to do that with people looking for water.

Geeksquad bros are super territorial. Stay real.

Got it, that wasnt hard. Classic corporate attitude of blaming employee for “the error”.

Your an idiot for engaging with this idiot, didnt best buy apologize for the price gouging?

Its not Best Buy’s responsibility to be kind to people when there is a crisis outside their door. Uh wait, maybe it is. Sorry.