Her eyebrows are more believable than her apology.
Her eyebrows are more believable than her apology.
Wonder how long its going to take for some dumbass to use this as an example to say “See! Black people dont like Asians!”.
My friend said she looks like Noxzeema (Wesley Snipes in To Wong Foo) and now I can’t unsee it. Also......those eyebrows......ma’am.......
My keyboard will be draining over the kitchen sink since that’s where I spit out my coffee about the eyebrows.
We need to file this under “YOU’RE NOT HELPING”.
When I was younger, I used to think bad kid = bad parent. But as I’ve grown older (and been unfortunate to know some really useless little shits), I realized that most of these assholes don’t come from bad people, didn’t have bad upbringings. Most of them are just whiny little shithead crybabies who think they’re…
We’ve been mistaken this whole time. It’s “Ma’s Terrace” not “Master Race”.
More like a “member of the masturbating race.”
Exactly. There are lots of valid reasons to live with your parents as an adult, but “I can’t afford my own place because I’m getting my ass sued off for being a Nazi” is not one of them.
Those are superior genes, thank you very much! How dare you!
Normally, it would be a dick move to laugh at someone for living at home in their thirties, or mock one’s financial pickle. But Kessler is a virulent racist behind the Charlottesville, Virginia Unite the Right where Heather Heyer was killed after a white supremacist drove his car into a crowd of counter-protesters. So…
Michael J. Fox and his 30 year love story with Tracy Pollan front and center, with Jolie and Pitt in a corner.
Nothing says “member of the master race” than a 34 year old man still living with his parents.
Self identifying as a Gypsy is not the same as being Romani and Europe is notoriously racist against that particular community so the UK lexicon arguably isn’t the greatest barometer for whether or not it’s acceptable to use that word. Just my opinion.
yeah, Gypsy is considered a slur. Worse, “gypped” as in cheated, is still broadly used.
was going to comment on the same thing. Doesn’t it appear that Jr’s so desperate for daddy’s approval that he swapped out the blonde wifey for a low rent Melania?
More proof that mint chocolate is disgusting.
I thought you were asking for help to come up with pet names!