
Around four years ago, i asked a writer here something like “how much are the kardashians paying you for all the coverage you give them?” Over the next month or so, I realized I’d been banned - I was able to comment as usual, but then wondered why my postings weren’t getting any responses. That comment was one of

I’d argue the contrary, by bringing these perfect avatars down we can relate to them. 

I think it’s important to show what is and isn’t real, but not in an “omg she’s a total uggo” way, but more in a “let’s celebrate actual bodies, people and achievements ” way. Otherwise as you say, it’s just destructive.

A lot of those women became millionaires and even billionaires selling young girls a body image that was no more real than anime. There is value in pointing out how much of a lie the image is. And I have to ask, is the lie not misogyny? Is photoshop, hours of make up, surgery, and a team of experts to post a single

I know a comment like this pops up on every Insta/social media story but, damn, I am happy that I grew up before smartphones and social media.

Thats what I was thinking..

You didn’t lie. Anything with Florida’s insanity associated with it ain’t a good thing. 

Hell if you want an angry disabled white lesbian and an angry native lesbian sign up my wife and me. For extra fun I can pass for straight and really confuse them by making think I might be a fascist too and get more info on tape before lighting into them. I like to fuck with people. Then again that shit really

I’m also a middle aged white lady and I’ve been reading all these stories and wondering how I could be a good ally if I were a witness. Should I directly confront the harasser? Should I ask the victim if they need some assistance? Silently record?

Oh that would call for the #WhiteAllyBackup app. Come on down and pull the “I used to babysit you, Howard” card to aid a sister and/or a brother caught up.

I’m sure glad that MLK and dem didn’t wait around for the kindly old White attorney to show up.

I am a middle-aged white lady but I would love to show up and use my “let me speak to your manager” powers for good.

When I saw the title, I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh.

This is their version of fucking voter ID, wasting everyones time and money because they can pretend to either not know how to do their jobs or really don’t know how to do their jobs by not understanding how to “verify” an ID.

It’s not like she or her terminally ill father have ever benefited from something like government funded healthcarrrrrRROHMYGOD

Yea, but it’s being given mostly to white people, so it doesn’t count. Republican’s only think its bad when those other people are getting ‘hand-outs.’ You know the ones, *wink wink, nod nod.*

The fear of socialism is coming from a primal fear for Meg. Higher taxes (on the rich) would mean she actually has to work for a living not just flitting through life as John McCain’s daughter.

Trump handing $12 billion of taxpayers money over to help farmers affected by Trump’s derelict tariffs IS SOCIALISM AND WELFARE.