
It is a brutal path. If you choose to do it then you must surround yourself with people who love and care about you. It is something I am still processing. The lies my former employer said to people were gross, luckily I had, and still have, copies of all emails and slacks conversations. I can sue him again if he ever

I’m so sorry you went and are going through this. My suit was horrific and the perpetrators are still being shit to POC while acting like they are “allies.” I wish that there was much more recourse for us that enabled us to recover not monetary losses but emotional damage that is worth so much. It is so damaging for

Message them, I’m sure they can make one. :) Also, I have notified NSRGNTS about this and they informed me that this site has deleted any and every comment calling them out on their theft of the design. It is NOT ok that they do this and then claim to be here for Native folk, seems a bit like a colonizer if you ask

So I love all of these but I MUST mention that the Decolonize sweatshirt is ripped from a great Native owned company nsrgnts.storeenvy.com They have had this piece on their shop for ages and everything is stolen from their design. Companies need to do better, we can push great movements without stealing from others.

I’m gonna say it over and over but if a black woman/man experiences racial enmity, discrimination or retaliation in their workplace then sue. BUT only sue if you have the emotional and psychological support you’ll need to do it. The money to pay for a lawyer isn’t that necessary since the majority of attorneys doing

It should be noted that Brown was set to give testimony in a civil lawsuit against the police department for the Jean family as well.

He’s not worth our time.

She is def endorsed by them.

Stop singing Kumbaya and start singing Knuck 

YT folk are eating this shit up and it is infuriating. If this is what it takes for him to heal then so be it but DO not think that Black folk are ok with this, many of my friends (and myself) view this as a sickness that has been passed down from generation to generation in order for us to remain among the living. It

Forget Candace. Everyone is talking about Killer Mike.

Biden IS a racist. This is a man who has no qualms riding the coattails of every Black person he encounters in order to get to his chosen point. He would be quick to cut off any Black person in order to make whites feel safe and we need to never forget that. His constant use of Obama’s name makes me cringe, we all

So this movie is basically about an Incel...great just what we need while the world burns

Here we go policing non-white girls bodies again! Enough of this. 

Same old trite bs from trite bs people

me too. 

And there was someone who saw the car go down who called the cops and stayed with the people in the car. So all the grays can miss me with their outrage.

It’s not just people under 40 that don’t trust him. 

and he left the others, while they were still trapped.

That’s definitely it. Anyone with a minute understanding of open vs. concealed carry knows that there is only one reason to flash your gun in a shopping center, grocery store, business center, school etc. and it isn’t to scare off the bad guy. It’s because that person has shortcomings *cough*