
this is why you need a person without color in the room.

Can’t he do both?

and his response was really Donald-y and enigmatic: ‘Let’s not think back on mistakes we made in the past, let’s just focus on what lies in front of us.’ ”

I just watched that doc on Koresh. Guy still has believers now. I could not believe that mfer who had burn scars on his hands is not rotting in jail. Not sure how the fires started but it seemed fairly known that they doused the place. That guy burned children alive, he should not be a free man. Sure, the botched that

here - read this story

you inspired those images with your words

Oh my god is that an actual - like legit - photo of her wearing a medal? Jesus the tackiness and disrespect knows no bounds with them.


I didn’t notice at first. Still looks like “Ethically Bankrupt Barbie” to me.

is she wearing colored contacts? why are her eyes so terrifying?

On our dime.

“I think it’s a pretty inappropriate question to ask a daughter if she believes the accusers of her father when he’s affirmatively stated that there’s no truth to it,” Trump answered, grinning widely. “I don’t think that’s a question you would ask many other daughters.”

Her face is always being tweaked. Gotta keep those Trump genes away somehow.

  • Jim Jones was and still is one of the top Bogeyman.

I wanted to elaborate on Mondrea Hasty’s situation to explain how difficult it can be to pay back “just $100.” Depending on how tight your situation is, $100 could be as hard to pay off as $1,000 or $10,000. I agree every renter should have renter’s insurance but it’s a luxury some can’t afford or choose not to get

What’s old is new again. Debtor’s Prisons haven’t been fashionable since the Victorian era, but our current shitheap leadership seems bound am determined to Make America Dickensian Again.

I was firmly in the “damn, it would gut me, but to stop my child from committing murder - yes, I’d snitch”, then I read further. It seems to me that not only does the prosecutor want the parents to do his job to connect all the hypothetical dots, he wants them to reveal potentially inculpatory evidence against their