
HOW DO YOU FIRE A COP IN A DAY? You can’t fire a man from the NYPD for choking someone to death over selling loosies.

I never knew I needed this in my life until this exact moment. Damn you for this new obsession.

Wardell should not have to be re-hired

It would be nice to see a treasure this dope go to an HBCU.

I never knew people got paid for these things. I guess b/c I usually think of them as bequests in a will? But I am glad Ms. Davis got her coins! And that her effects will be properly memorialized and made available for study.

 Well said, Ms. Roo

Much respect. I was in Montessori up to the third grade. One helluva education. After we moved and I started 4th grade at a Catholic school, I was miles ahead of my peers.

I only went up till 3rd grade but I remember it as pretty structured. We had circle\attendance, dedicated math time, and dedicated reading time. The remainder was spent on whatever learning activity you wanted to complete, like say learning the countries in africa. You self study and when you feel you know the

I think the results are definitely student dependent. I left montessori after 3rd grade in the 80's. Only initial issues I had when I transitioned to regular class style was getting used to homework and learning how to write book reports. But I also was reading well, knew the entire map of world (individual

I can’t find a Montessori style preschool that isn’t crazy expensive, and don’t seem to have non private school options on my area. The environments seem good from what I’ve seen, but they’re economically out of reach for a lot of us.

Why? Omarion is awesome. That’s how it’s post to be.

I don’t know who let you out of the greys. Please take your trolly self back there, though.

If he was looking for a gut-punch, maybe somebody should have obliged him.

We all know this is wrong and we all know that some white people feel they can talk to us anyway they feel, treat us anyway they feel and expect us to keep our mouth closed and accept whatever they do. To them, this is the American Way and we best be glad we get whatever crumbs we can.