
Yes. I sit amongst women 10-20 years older than me (at least). All white, all upper middle class and all scoffed at me when I said it was a disgrace none of the men who won at the Globes addressed their colleagues, who were engaged in a protest in that very room. “Why should they?”

I wonder if part of this is about women who would rather believe they were seduced than assaulted. It’s often easier to act like you were a willing participant than accept the reality. And if you are a woman of a certain age, it had to be damn near impossible to escape predators.

Eeeeee :-) Je devrais être moins excitée et plus blasée puisque je suis un petit peu plus proche d’un certain âge que Hachi - mais on se sent quand même beaucoup de coup d’avoir une réponse de la seule Veronica Webb! Je m’attends à ce que vous soyez un peu fatiguée des commentateurs qui se comportent comme si vous

Did/do you listen to his podcast? I tried and I thought it was kind of bro-y lol and then I met him like a year later and he’d already been educated by so many women about his approach to issues. Love to see that type of transformative work.

My favorite is when a very Family Values Anti-Gay Marrige person is caught diddling a male prostitute... the hypocrisy high is intoxicating!

OMG that would be amazing. I’d love Michael to interview basically anyone from Fox here. While I hate giving them a platform they already have one so...

This. Invite Tucker to a sit-down interview with The Root, where he can explain why Fox News hates black people.

Gloves + condoms.

Cyclops or Gambit seem more appropriate for being the gatekeepers of X-Men’s application process, but point well taken haha.

Give us those clicks, trolls. Your hate makes us stronger. We are the Incredible Hulk fo the blosphere. You wouldn’t like us when we’re angry...

In honor of Danielle Belton who channeled her inner Admiral Akbar

Those always make me laugh. I always want to tell them to take out the if. Like we know you’ve already called black people that.

Oh man, clap back mail bag is gonna be so good this week!! I’m rolling laughing at those clips right now, TOO funny! God bless you all, and thanks for not going on Tucker Carlson, cause you know he would edit the fuck out of anything you said to make himself look better.

Because these people are so bad at protesting, I’m gonna assume that you guys are gonnna get mad page views today and maybe for a while.

But like.....can The Root issue a travel ban against mediocre white guys?

You were absolutely correct not to go on Fox and are not a coward. There is no way they’d give you the time to bring your A game. Make the racists come to you. At least it will drive traffic up and you can moderate comments and, more importantly, nail them in mail bag.