
Well now we know and now we can officially cancel his a$$.

It was really f’ing good. Especially for us native women and girls

EXACTLY!!!! It goes with the “I didn’t even know Native Americans still existed” comment. 

Indya Moore is EVERYTHING. Just...everything

I love this article but let’s not forget how many non-natives love to mention how nice it must be to go to college for free. If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me then my student loans would be paid off.

Kanye is definitely Dr. (Oh hell) No

no. We don’t “owe” you anything. I mean if you were really “woke” why would you assume we owe you?!

We are especially tired of explaining when this knowledge is then used for your coworkers to continue with their performative allyship. I am fine explaining to my fellow brothers and sisters of color but I am done explaining to the melanin challenged.

You would be surprised at how many states still have this on the books, so I commend my state for getting this done. My former colleague and still friend drafted this amendment and has stayed strong and fought for it and what did he get while doing this? A stack of campaign fliers burning on his doorstep. His wife

It’s really a good one. We need a database of sublime verbiage that we can turn on the racists.

f’ing Nefarious Nancy

I am not the biggest advocate of the NRA but I do believe in everything my grandpa taught me about protecting family and property. If it worked for our elders then it works for me. I’ll post up on my porch watching. My trust levels are gone these days

I’m the only person of color in the community so I keep my head down if I have to contact code enforcement. 

Oh man! I would be livid if that happened but never say never. The renters that moved out must have put out the word that this house needed even worse people to move in. They have all been having bonfires and they all have big Republican trucks. But Colorado is a carry state and has castle doctrine, so I prepare

I called the cops on my white neighbors because they are bringing my property values down. Zero f*cks left to give. They rent, I own two houses. Welcome to the neighborhood Cletus

I will for sure. I’m hopeful that because NBC evening news was there that this will become a piece on the news. But you never know these days. 

she had posted it on FB but has since taken it down. She’s close friends with a few of my friends in Denver and we think that NBC had her remove it so they can handle it. If I hear anything I’ll post it here for sure.

Also, I LOVE how the camera pans to the black members in the audience. Like “see they’re ok with it so everyone needs to just let it go.” That actually makes me even more angry about all of this.

I am soooooooo tired of this teachable moment sh*t. I’m sure she went to some good schools so miss me with this need for extra “teaching.” She knew, she is beyond problematic and her trying to segueway into being seen as non-racist isn’t working. I wasn’t here for her when she was using dog-whistle everything on Fox

That’s also a cultural thing. Which YT people have no clue about. But it also gets to the issue where YT people think that they can demand someone speak to them whenever they want and said person had better answer. It’s absolute lynching mentality.