
Just an FYI, a white woman called the cops on a group of black women and children hiking in Colorado. The kicker is these women were with an NBC news crew who were filming this hike for a news segment. Also, this is my state and my county and I am LIVID!!!

Tell her to call me if she was ever called a plains n*gger growing up. Because that’s what being truly native is like growing up and living off of the rez. She’s a piece of work.

Believe me, Native women are talking and this is just one more event to add to the list. We are summarily murdered and not just in Alaska. Just look at the story of Ashley Johnson-Barr for the most recent, at least in the press, murder.


Thank you. I am definitely leaving. I’m just waiting until my surgery is done and then it’s deuces to all of them. My skin has definitely gotten much thicker and I’ve taken to lifting weights and throwing med balls at walls while imagining there are some ugly faces being hit.

Don’t worry I’m keeping records. I’m riding it out so I can get my surgery next month. There are two black people in the organization, one of whom is the facilities manager, which means he does the grunt work and then there’s me who went from community outreach director to property manager of a teacher training

This sounds like where I work. A place that has changed my title and put me into an outpost office while all the white folks stay in the main office and discuss equity and diversity in education. I’m so over this sh*t

The whole time I was watching it I kept thinking that I should be watching Castle Rock instead. I should have gone with my gut.

We should always believe that we are amazing. No matter what is said.

Have Winnie Harlow and Duckie Thot made up? Cause if not...

No matter what we do, no matter where we live, no matter what we’re wearing, who we marry, how much money we make, how many credentials we have it will always be “still nigger.” It’s infuriating

I’m sorry but you can’t expect anything good from a man that looks like Jim Bakker.

def don’t let that man fool you. He’s a mess.

I hope they take over Estes Park and show all those folks what beauty looks like when it’s placed in corresponding beauty. I love Colorado but man it is white

There are so many quotes in this article that I would PROUDLY rock on a t-shirt, at a Trump rally, singing Knuck if you Buck.

I would pop some popcorn from those flames and enjoy the show.

Ummmm I’m not sure who you’re talking to but he was never my fave. You might find some takers over at Jezebel though.

please stop maligning birds by associating them with such trash.

this is spectacular. I really needed this laugh.

Florida + Wells Fargo= a match made in hell