
all three

black back-up should be white “allies.”

thank you!!

I live in Colorado. I keep my head down all the time unless I’m with my own. Driving, work, grocery shopping... head down.

It is but I’m riddled with fibroids. My gyno calls me a “bag of marbles,” says it’s the best thing to do. For me it’s six of one half dozen of the other. I’m extremely anemic, in constant pain and a bag of marbles. May as well get the parts out.

I’m getting a hysterectomy exactly because of the fibroids. If you don’t want to have children then I would consider doing this.

My birthday present from the doctor was being told I need to have a hysterectomy. I am both excited and panicked. I’ve spent YEARS with this perios ish and now I’m doing the countdown until I never have to buy a tampon agin. Two more menses to go. YIKES! Congrats on your birthday!

I had my will drawn up two years ago. Best thing I ever did. I have a living will as well. Do this, tell the people who matter to you but only if you want them to be a part of this. My bff is the decider if I am hooked up to tubes and my parents can’t make the decision. All she has to do is present my living will and

I’m 47, guess I should start building my pine coffin.

Colorado couldn’t even pass a measure to eliminate slavery. You think this will pass :/?

I hate that he went to my alma mater. Such a gross man.

very Darwinian on her part

lose the friends and protect yourself. It’s the only way to be these days.

claiming ancestry does not, indeed, make a native. UNLESS you’re white and claim Cherokee heritage. But the rest of us like blood quantum, it works just fine.

Where is her restaurant? I have some chicken sh*t to throw.

I’m right there with you. I constantly think if I leave then I am leaving children to rot in this quagmire. 

I called it a “hate vote” but I still hate voted for Hilary. Just voted for the one I hated the leats and the one that would keep my rights intact.

exit plan starts now

She won’t. *see description for white liberals*

You’re not overreacting.