
I watched the whole episode with my jaw on the ground and clapping. It was soooooo good

Oh I needed this little bit of joy today.

Man I miss home (NYC) I miss all of the rachetness, the hood boogers, the grimy sh*t. I mean fighting is done on the regular. I miss this.

He’s amazing. It’ll be a sad day when he retires. The level of experience he brings to these teams is out of control. But just remember, he was in band in HS. He is (kinda) normal. But he’s still putting up bigger numbers than a lot of these kids coming up.

Who let you out of the greys?!

Not offending white people. Yeah, that’s a hard pass. Nah son.

Vince Carter got 8 mill for a year, Dwyane much less. Let’s hear it for the 40 somethings!

I went down an IG hole today on his page. So much amazingness

Me too. My cousin introduced me to the N word right quick. Oh and my grandpa disowned my mom for marrying a n*gger. This trick can miss me with the “those people” shit. If I knew who she was I’d mollywhopp her for her black family.

But it’s a Tina Fey show so you know that will never happen

Good lord I love this man.

That say everything I needed to know.

Please crawl back into your cave and stfu you miscreant.

There’s a reason I’ve taken Krav Maga for 6 years.

While it might be monetary there is a lot more to it that I won’t go into.

I get that. I would take the other pieces you have and start digging deeper into that history. If you’re African American there isn’t much sadly but if you’re white you can find much more and if your ancestors are from the SW you might be of Mixtec descent, Apache, Navajo, Hopi, Pueblo, Comanche or a nation that

So here’s something that needs to be clarified about your DNA test. When it comes back that you are 30% Native American you must recognize that this could mean you are a descendant of someone from North America, Central America or South America. I despise those tests because they give you no clarity and you’re left

Now THAT is a clapback!!!

But here’s the kicker, she’s a “journalist.” Sure you are Mary Poppins, sure you are.

I cannot. My eyes crossed after the first paragraph. I wanted to get a red pen and go to town on this whole mess.