
People only rage about the First Amendment in cases of spewing racist vitriol at POC. They don’t think it adheres to you, me or Stoney Chaney.

I think the case just exploded. The cops just arrested one of her friends who was trying to commit suicide. It’s really bad. But do a google search. It was all over my timeline last night.

Other sources are saying that her “friends” sold her to pay off a debt they owed. May or may not be true.

I get that. But when a 19 yr old dies I mourn that child.

I know that our society believes that once you’re over 18 you’re labeled an adult. But in situations like this I see a child. A child who deserved so much more and it’s heartbreaking.

No thanks

Bwahahahahah my first thought was that one of the reasons would be about natural hair. Kudos!!

Can someone make one for black women? Please

I need more coffee for this read. This is better than pancakes

His son just committed suicide. Bolling is trash but man...


Honestly, and please don’t take this wrong, there is no need to “join.” Tribal status should be there for those that need it and now that the courts have ruled in favor of the freedmen, there is going to be a lot of people trying to get tribal status. I always say if you’re 50% and up AND are living on the Rez or

This is wonderful!

I modeled late eighties through the 90s. Plus size models didn’t exist. I remember when I hit my 30s in the early 2000's I knew I was “over the hill” and my hips were too large. So I picked up my book, went to open call at a very large NY agency on the day they were seeing “plus size” girls/women & crossed my fingers.

Hey LVPD remember when those white power cretins opened fire on some of your own and POC felt bad? Yeah, well we take that back.

Oh the runway was sublime in the 90s

And don’t forget their pink hat (ugh)

She’s probably a Jezebel commenter. Sorry, not sorry. I’m tired of all of this and my anger grows exponentially every day that we are subjected to this “master race” bs.

It must be hard being sallow skinned and a has-been. But let’s be honest, no one was really repping Kid ‘n’ Play back in the day. I mean the movies yes but Kid was straight corny and Play was the only one worth a damn. I looked at Reid’s IG and it is the thirstiest, trying to be somebody sh*t I’ve seen since Tokyo