
This is the best thread!!! My WWII inner nerd is loving this!!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I will cry all day long if I have to deal with Becky Bachata.

I mean look at him. That’s an angry, small pinga man.

Methodists have been amazing in my town!

What sucks is all the stupid bigots will back them on this. Stupid is as stupid does

Texas Organizing Project does amazing work in underserved communities. I know them, I’ve seen their work in action and I know that my money goes to the communities that have been hardest hit. http://organizetexas.org/

I work with community organizers throughout the country and there is another org not listed that is helping many of the hardest hit. I hope you don’t mind my posting their link but I gave to them because I’ve seen the work they’ve done and know which communities they serve. I’m also giving to you, I’m so sorry you’re

That’s dope! His gym is great too!

It’s happening in the NW with federal tribes as well. The greed in tribal governments is ridiculous. People whose families have been members for multiple generations suddenly cast out. Elders losing their tribal status and all benefits. So reprehensible but this is what the government wants, the fewer people on the

That was exactly what I thought.

Quick update from someone with a card. If you’re trying to get tribal status, don’t. Many of us are being kicked off the rolls after being card-carrying members for generations. Honestly, unless you’re living on the Rez you don’t need to be on the rolls. Also this happened yesterday and I am here for it. If the

I was reading all of their comments on Jez about the all-female Lord of the Flies movie and how that’s not them. I’m not certain if my eyes have stopped rolling yet.

This, not coffee, was the wake-up help I needed this morning

Bellator last time we spoke

Or how about we do a mix? Add some Geronimo, Tecumseh, Lozen, Mangas Coloradas and Peta Nocona into the mix.

You can choose between the Powhatan nation, Pueblo nation or you can go the usual route and pick Metacomet, otherwise known as King Phillip.

Bobby has since opened his own gym in Colorado and is still doing MMA. We share the same sports doc and he looks to be doing pretty well post-WWE.

It’s like their YouTube fingers are broken