
My response was to this statement from you, “I agree, I just don’t like how the right is exploiting this situation.”

Thank you!!

Listen, the right is gonna do their racism bs no matter what comes out of a black woman’s mouth. Can we stop with this whole “be soft spoken so you don’t give THEM any fodder” bs?! I’m not sure if you’ve read the articles that went up yesterday on both The Root and VSB but I think there is a general consensus that we

My new response to every bs thing I’m told by white folk

I’m surprised she didn’t throw MLK in there.


I’m not really sure if they’re going to bite to be honest. Right now they’re too busy singing the praises of some white woman who covered a Beyoncé song. Because there’s nothing better than Beckoncé.

Oh you know my mixed race self is just waiting for those folks. I have a whole lot to say. 😉

Bwahahahahah STAHP!!!!

We are ready!!

It’s so appropriate right now. I am so ready for the f*ckery that shall be brought upon us.

I always carry a jar in my bag. You never know who’s gonna open their yap.

Me waiting

I’m taking my earrings out right now. Bring it

I second this motion

But this article had me choking with laughter and as someone who works for a non-profit, I don’t see any lie AT ALL.

I would like to give an honorable mention to Becks aka girl that will beat your racist ass and is looking to change her name.

Applause. Applause. Applause.

Me 👋🏼

Should we give her a break like she asked people to give Jeffree Star a break? I’m sorry that’s a hard no. It’s not the nudity, it’s the culture vulture bs, it’s the building herself into a woman of color while denigrating the same women, it’s the pushing the dogwhistle racism as much as possible and then saying “I