
Apparently the dingo did eat the baby and now I am eating my words. *face palm*

I couldn’t remember if it was true. My bad. That’s horrible.

It’s the new “a dingo ate my baby” defense.

Sounds like Ward Churchill redux and has no one asked for him to provide his family’s heritage on the rolls. Blood quantum doesn’t mean jack if you can’t prove it. Did he forge his card too?

This is Kelly making some serious changes. He’s the only sane one in that administration and that doesn’t make me feel good.

See racists don’t get it. If someone is calmly sitting down and removing their shoes, well you’d better get ready for an ass whooping and mollywhopping. Now if the person who removed their shoes pulls out a jar of Vaseline as well, then you should pray that your nose is still on your face when it’s all done. I could

To you, Mrs. Harris DeValve I say, thank you. Thank you for being honest, thank you for remaining steadfast, thank you for those conversations you two had over the dinner table (because I know sometimes they are really hard), thank you for bringing this discussion back to what matters. Kudos to you.

See but saying “white guys did this,” is problematic. Yes they have the power and the hate but white women are as equally culpable and they have been historically. We need to hold the whole structure accountable. White women need to stop getting this weird pass, this whole “it’s ok Becky” stuff. Pink hats and marches


She’s the epitome of mayonnaise sitting in the hot sun.

The thing is we already knew how white men would vote but white women kept saying “FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT,” while telling all of us who would listen exactly why we should vote for the “FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT.” And then white women switched it all up. But hey, pink hats.

I can’t even eat venison jerky without this f-tard ruining it for me.

Me when Cheeto Mussolini started speaking last night about Afghanistan

And I thought she just needed toner :(

*wails to the wall* it’s bad enough I already thought they were ugly as hell with their yuck mouths and great skin but you had to go there. I need to go wash my brain and reboot.

I hope this means extended coffee breaks at really sketchy times.

Exactly! She blatantly told people to stay home. That’s not satire and the Sally Hemmings part ruined her for me.

He’s got a lot of “ribs,” to be had. She shouldn’t feel safe at all, especially with that attitude.

Oh! “Ambrosia salad.” I. Am. Dead!

My mother was disowned. She still carries that. I’m so sorry it happened to you. And yes you should have skull dragged your neighbor