
My mother had no idea how to do my hair. She would just brush through all of the tangles and pull it into a bun. Never had a black woman help her. When I told her I wanted to straighten it she had her hairdresser do it and he left it on so long that my scalp burnt and blistered. Sigh...

FYI I was agreeing with you. It’s been a long day of white folks looking at me sympathetically while they talk about Trump.

You do realize how many non-black women say they want mixed babies right? It has nothing to do with making the world tan, it’s all about how “cute” mixed babies are. Quite possible one of the worst reasons to have a mixed-race child. The shit I went through and still go through with identity issues is off the charts.


I am so sorry! I think we “mixed-kids” have some serious decisions that were thrust upon us. My stomach hurt while reading this, I broke off all communication with my mother’s family after the election. But unlike your mother, my mother stood by my side and did the same. I’m not sure how you can fix this, or if you

i find it funny he says he’s Spanish and then he says he’s Taino. Dumbass

Grade school. One of two mixed kids in the whole town. Was called it on the school bus. Went home to tell my mom, she had no good answer. So I never told her about the other times it happened. I was called both a nigger and a plains nigger because I’m Apache too. Good times

I just spit out my coffee. The Dolph Lundgren jock strap line was complete perfection!!!

Hahahah he’s definitely got me beat on the crying part and I’m a woman

This bish...

Bwahahahahah I’m supposed to believe this crooked faced, snot nosed miscreant is superior to me?! Yeah, no.

Listen, when neo-Nazis are knocking on all these fools doors I certainly won’t be there to help. I’ll be home listening to Kendrick and drinking some tea.

This has been on my mind for the past week. Every time some trite asshole brings up love and we should all be one and “this isn’t what MLK fought for,” I am left standing there clenching my fist.

I’m seriously shocked but it’s glaringly obvious what sector they’re aiming for. Which means the “intersectionality” claim is false. Keep fighting the good fight. I love the people who remained and fought for Detroit. I’m disheartened that their voices won’t be heard at this event.

Girl I get it too. All the time. I’m gonna carry a picture of my father with me when I was a baby and just hold it up everytime someone asks.

I live in Colorado. I don’t leave my house

Man I love Dan Fogelberg.

Also, I didn’t write this in anger. You are amazingly kind and want to know what to do. I think a lot of us are really raw and really scared. I know I am.

I’ll give you one better. Approach it as if your child was biracial and told you things that you had absolutely no understanding of. Would you respond with making light of what happened or would you sit there and listen and then help? I’m guessing you’d pick the latter, that is what we people of color need. We know

I worked in Detroit as a consultant for the Ford Foundation. I was thinking of all the amazing women I met running some spectacular non-profit orgs and how most of them can’t pay this price.