
I know the organizers who worked their butts off to get his release. Do you know how rare it is to get a Democrat led House and Republican led senate to unanimously come together to agree on something?! People are devastated right now. But no one has stopped fighting.

I can no longer get my hopes up and I understand everything they are telling us. Everything.

Sadly, none of us are surprised.

It was one of the most sublime moments in acting that I’ve witnessed. My jaw was on the floor the whole time

The final season of Penny Dreadful was giving me total Alienist feels. Man I miss that show. :(

It’s quite vivid and disturbing

This book played a significant role in my becoming a historian. Do what you love.

His suicide was another form of abuse towards this woman. I am hopeful that she has an amazing support group and is in intense therapy.

That was a beautiful scene and I’m a cis female. I thought it was so well done. Most shows who only show male/female sex scenes could take some pointers from that scene. Very well done.

Just imagine how many of them are going to work in the rubber rooms.

I don’t adhere to the new fangled, Lena Dunham form of feminism. But for a woman of color, working in the government, as a scientist, to not recognize the women that fought for her to have this position, well that’s a damn shame.

Man! I was so excited that she was a scientist and black and then she started talking and sounded like every white contestant from Orange County.

Please tell me you’re no longer with him. My heart would break if you are.

Thank you! Xoxo

Thank you! Your post made me cry. I’ve often wondered if I’m too kind and I always have problems telling people no. So thank you from the bottom of my soul, I don’t need to let anyone in just because. One day I’ll be as strong as I was in my twenties. Day by day I feel my psyche healing. Thank you!!

That should say “abusers” not “subset” silly iPhone

I think right now my most important thing that I’ll ever want from a man is to feel safe. Kindness plays a role in that. I am very skittish so patience will be a massive attribute as well. I’m not rushing it, nor am I looking. If someone magical comes into my life I hope that I’ve had enough therapy to not push him

Please don’t be sorry for sharing, you are absolutely right to do this. It’s important that we don’t worry about budging into someone else’s trauma. We should all share, that’s the only way we can see that we aren’t alone (because that’s what our subsets want us to think) and this is how we heal. We are a tribe, one

One other thing that I want to mention is articles like this are important. We need to discuss abuse, we need to bring it out of the shadows. My mother was abused by my father, my grandmother was abused by my grandfather, I was abused. Perhaps if these women in my life talked about what they experienced, I wouldn’t