
I’m practicing a lot of self-care right now. The brainwashing is real and so harmful. I’m 45 so I’m not certain I care to be in a relationship again. I def find myself flinching and then lashing out at any man that comes into my general vicinity. I find myself expecting them to fail, so I give them no time. It will

“While his actions and his treatment of me are reprehensible, I was complicit as well. I allowed him to steal my power. I believed in love and I believed him. I thought my love was enough to change him. I am constantly meeting black women who have lived or are living what I experienced. And they stayed longer than

You should see the bad that pops up on The Root, you may change your mind

The part that isn’t shown here is when everyone started cheering, a man was being escorted out, fist in the air. They were applauding him and so was I.

I hope the president is summarily fired.

Thank you!!

I feel nothing for that racist pos.

I got my MA in history as well, no jobs for us to do what we love. You’re much better off with the MLIS. Good luck!!

Man I remember my last day of grad school two years ago. Congratulations making it through, it’s ridiculously hard. Enjoy all the food and sleep you can get, you earned it!!!

Why are you here? Don’t you have a cross to burn?

I have a real job, it pays me high six figures. It’s also not a job that some dude told me to get. But you keep on being angry there, angry guy unhappy about his angry world and angry life. *picture me shrugging over your outburst*

“While we were being told to go to college, get a corporate job, dress like, walk like, talk like...white 😒... the Vietnamese were opening nail salons, the Koreans opened beauty supply stores, the Chinese opened restaurants, the Jewish opened record labels...made money strictly off of black folks...and they dressed

I not only blocked my ex/stalker/abuser but I changed my IG name & took off anything that could enable him to find me. I know it seems a bit much but this is one stalker I don’t want or need. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Mixed chicks is ok but I, a mixed chick, recommend using a light hand in the beginning. If your daughters hair is fine then it can be WAY too heavy. Mixed hair is a whole other can of worms

If he cheated on his wife with Minka Kelly, you can be sure that Shondra is writing his death into the Grey’s season finale. Boy bye!

If this is true I’m pulling out Jesse’s seat from the table

I’m waiting for all the “white, shea moisturizer warriors” to come attack this post as racist. Dear wipipo don’t @ me.

This secret should have remained hidden. Basement trolls do NOT deserve the butters. Let them stay flaky.

John Mayer just gets more disgusting by the minute. Can we stop discussing him please?!

My fear is after yesterday’s event, either Le Pen or Fillon will be the winner. This frightens the hell out of me. I hold France dear to my heart but this scares me to no end. Also can we talk about the man behind the curtain? Putin is definitely pulling strings.