we could talk or not talk forever, and still find things to not talk about.
we could talk or not talk forever, and still find things to not talk about.
Where the fuck is Rocky Road
Klobuchar calls her particular hot dish Taconite Tater Tot Hot Dish, The New York Times reports, after a rock found in the Iron Range of northern Minnesota. The tater tots make the top look kind of rocky, apparently (it also contains pepper jack cheese, ground beef, and two kinds of cream soup).
I guess it’s better work than trying to find a top-flight job in either the food service or housekeeping industries.
La te da, look who wears underwear.
You are absolutely right. Our kids really do understand so much more than we think at a much younger age than we’d expect, especially when they’re living it. (100% smack the next person who says you’re basically the dad.)
I recently rewatched this after not seeing it for a few years, but that has and always will be one of my favorite lines in any movie.
Finally, a film that asks the question, “If I go crazy then will you still call me Superman?”
That’s cool. I call the Duggars, child molester protecting garbage, so we all have different names for things.
They look like extras from a documentary on pill abuse in Ohio.
“Eh, it’s a living”
My thought goes like this:
“Poor decision making” — that’s Angelo Morillo and Lehman Brothers gonna all in on CDOs.
Obviously she got up to take a pea.
It’s also incredible that she is helping him so much with his sobriety. I feel like that speaks to the kind of connection they must have. He is her children’s father, so of course she wants them to have the best version of him they can. She seems like a truly kind and caring individual who looks out for the needs of…
It’s weird that there isn’t a dedicated LGBTQI+ blog; since I’d hazard to guess that a significant portion of their readership are (myself included), they should do that.
I know what I’d do if I was in her class:
Oh man, think of the Lifetime Original Movie crossover potential! A mysterious killer is stalking wives/moms, murdering them but leaving husbands/dads and kids alone, and it turns out it’s a self-appointed “fairy godmother” creating situations in which to hook up unattached women with readymade families! Can one mom…
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