
Also, if you’re prone to deep congestion or sinus issues, MAKE SURE you take a decongestant and possibly wear depressurizing earplugs when you fly.

This is missing the debate that’s nearly torn New Jersey in two...taylor ham or pork roll?

Osmosis gummies are especially excellent if you soak them in vodka. We used to make vodka gummies in college-much less work than jello shots, and who doesn’t love an enormous alcoholic gummy bear? 

As a proud Brandeis alum, good luck to her! 

What about bourbon? My mom swears by a splash of bourbon mixed with honey and lemon to cure a sore throat. 

I can’t speak for other alt-weeds, but I do know that you have to be really careful with vaping Delta 8...there’s a lot of sketchy places out there. And a lot of places sell “sprayed flower” which is basically CBD coated with D8, but depending on what they sprayed it with you may not want to be inhaling it. 

My little brother still hasn’t forgiven me completely for the time 30ish years ago that I convinced him it would be tasty to mix skim milk and sprite. 

My all time favorite joke! 

Unless tossing Andrew under the bus makes Charles look good, in which case there will be tire tracks on Andrew before anyone finishes their sentence. 

Only if you serve them with custard. 

Many many years ago, I worked for Borders and there were rumors of all kinds of ways to make the cafes more profitable. One such test idea was serving alcohol.

And their kids are adults and probably they each knew which properties they wanted to keep, etc. Divorce is quick if everyone agrees to everything-it’s when you’re arguing over alimony and deciding if someone’s buying someone out of the house that it gets ugly. 

This might be the highlight of my day...the idea of Werner Herzog locking eyes with a chicken and judging its intelligence 

This happened to me too, I was seeing this woman for a year and a half and then suddenly got contacted on social media by someone else who was also dating her. Fucked up shit man. 

Also, seagulls are mean and lazy. So if they see the option as “dive into the water to get a fish” or “divebomb the human to steal fries” they’re going for the human divebomb, because once you get the human out of the way the fries can’t defend themselves. 

Only if it’s hosted by real human bartender Jackie Daytona.

What is wrong with his neck in this photo?

Well, my guess is they tried Coors light and figured if we’re ok drinking piss, we’ll be ok with poop beer. 

I feel like there’s definitely some others I would add...definitely either But I’m a Cheerleader or D.E.B.S. IMO because for the longest time we had this stretch of truly awful lesbian movies (Better than Chocolate has aged so, so badly).