
This isn’t bad, but they clearly never visited central NJ, or they would have at least given an honorable mention to Indian food. 

I am so glad I’m not the only one. I have had several dreams where I’m shopping, or I’m in a bookstore and I found this amazing book, but I can’t buy it because I forgot my mask. I have that dream at least once a week. 

Ok, I like that date cutoff because it still barely edges me into Gen X.

I am too, but I prefer to argue we were cheated out of being part of Gen X. Alternately, we are xennial/oregon trail generation.

Based on my classmates, I think we were probably mostly Ravenclaws, with one or two famous alums who might qualify as Griffyndors. 

On the other hand, “weird old dude obsessed with medieval castles” is how my alma mater ended up with a castle as a dorm for a long time.

I said this when the story first broke, but there’s a very simple way for the offspring Mossimos to salvage their reputations: go to a community college.

Oh for sure. I actually think it’s even sadder.

Yea this reads far more like Project Veritas went after a poor, mentally ill person...which is even worse, since it sounds like the person in question legitimately saw it as two separate identities voting. 

Agreed. I was outed to my grandma because I was the head of the LGBT group at my college, and unbeknownst to me, my grandma had a neighbor who also had a grandchild at my school, and this neighbor was the type to get the campus newspaper delivered from 5 states away.

I read this as CANING tomatoes, and I thought it was a seriously sadistic technique to get crushed tomatoes. 

No, Bowcraft is/was the amusement park for little kids that’s basically carnival rides but permanent, right on the side of 22 sandwiched between auto dealers and strip malls.

Yup. I remember riding the congo river ride or some other ride that really shouldn’t have been terribly rough, and coming out of it with an enormous bruise on my shoulder...and we all promptly got back in line to ride it again.

Oh god I made the mistake of reading his anti-climate change book once. It was...interesting. 

I am pretty sure my younger brother will never completely forgive me for the time I convinced him that if an ice cream float with Coke tasted good, it would taste equally good to just mix milk directly into a glass of Coke.

I have been having the same dreams! They’re just like the “oh shit I’m not dressed and I’m at work” dreams except I’m in a store about to buy something and then I realize I have no mask and panic. It’s....weird. 

Captain America looks like Homelander from The Boys is cosplaying as Captain America. 

Agreed! I blew through the first three eps and couldn’t stop laughing. Definitely a pleasant surprise. 

It took me far too long to realize RWNJ meant Right-Wing Nut Jobs and not Real Wives of NJ...I had this vision of Teresa Guidice organizing a vaccine drive. 

Nope, Hallmark’s idea of diversity is everyone being confused that the Jewish family doesn’t have Christmas traditions.