
Same with me-I would love to go to my climbing gym but I have a kid and extended family who are helping me with childcare this summer. It’s far too much of a risk.

It matters more for the gyms I think. They can ask people to switch to liquid chalk and argue it’s more hygienic than regular chalk, and possibly make people feel slightly safer in the gym because “everyone is using this hygienic liquid chalk” type argument.

Agreed! It’s very likely that what got communicated to the celebs was “Hey, the NAACP is working on a campaign, can you read this” and that was that. And no one wants to be the celeb who said “yea nope”.

Oh god the cold water at Action Park....yea. It was freezing. And no matter what ride you did, you had some weird bruise afterwards.

Someone has to pick up Ollie’s slack next season!

What’s ESPECIALLY dumb is that she can, presumably, find a clearer picture of Sylvester out of his Starman costume. Why not go to her mom and say “Hey, I was looking through photos trying to find a photo of my dad-this guy kind of looks like the picture in my locket, is he my dad?”

I’m guessing it’s someone related to the mystery around her dad...she’s convinced it’s Starman but maybe it’s someone who either claims to be her father or is connected to her father. 

Not only that but you know that they are absolutely pissing trump off beyond all belief.

Well if Batman is already an adult and established superhero at the time of the car accident, and Kate and Alice are like, what, 12?, then Martha’s sister was probably too young to raise him. She would have been around Bruce’s age or only slightly older.

Depends, if we have another toilet paper shortage it might be useful, or if you have any frenemies you want to torture...

I was kind of eh on Ready Player One-it was silly, it was a weird 80's fantasy sci fi, but I borrowed it from the library so it wasn’t a big deal. I’ve read worse books on Kindle Unlimited.

That was literally my first thought: “Shit, if they move filming to Vancouver, Stargirl is going to want to call Supergirl’s stylist”

Don’t forget there’s also that one where they teamed up with Batman to fight the Foot Clan and Ra’s Al Ghul, which included mutant Batman and mutant batman rogue’s gallery. 

What confuses the hell out of me is that “satanic occult nazis” is the plot of the first Laundry Files book by Charlie Stross. I saw the tweets this morning and thought “why the hell is everyone tweeting about that random fantasy book I read last year?”

Anyone who votes dishwasher over washing machine does not have children. 

Yup! My son did one of these for mother’s day in kindergarten, and he aged me up a year, listed my favorite hobby as hanging out with him, and that my favorite thing to drink was plain water. They’re like little stream of consciousness machines at that age. 

Not true at all.

Well that’s a depressing thought for the day...

I would like to second the request for more detail here please. 

or worse, it would be like having statues of hitler and goebbels all over germany. Which wouldn’t happen because Germany is ashamed of their behavior, not glorifying it.