
Am I a horrifically cynical person that my first thought was “Oh, is Lili Reinhart angling to play the next Batwoman?”

Can this finally put to bed any idea that the NYT has a claim to journalistic integrity or any sense of morally left wing politics? Running this op-ed was beyond the pale, but they’ve pulled shit like this for years and people have somehow given them a pass. “all the news that’s fit to print” shouldn’t mean “you have

Only with some strains of Judaism. Reform Judaism says either parent being Jewish is sufficient.

I’m 95% sure when finally killed off the cesspool that was their comments section, everyone just migrated over to NextDoor. 

I can confirm the french press technique works well, especially if you’re just starting to play around with cold brew. I’ve been cold brewing in my french press since work from home started in March, and while I plan to upgrade now that I’ve dialed in how I like my cold brew, it’s been a dead simple way to figure out

I can confirm the french press technique works well, especially if you’re just starting to play around with cold

Yea Damon seems to have handled it just fine...IIRC his main comment was that he was upset he was stuck in Ireland while their oldest daughter was sick with COVID in NYC, which is a fairly normal parental response to being stuck an ocean away from a sick kid.

I’ve seen Mega Ran and MC Lars perform together, and it’s def one of my top favorite concerts of all time.

I agree with you, especially since Fallon has a platform and could have easily segued into an apology/dissection of his own blackface mistake. Instead of just cracking on Trudeau, for example, Fallon could have shifted and said something like “Most comedians aren’t proud of this, but there’s been many times in the

I tried to read “The President Is Missing”....I made it maybe 15% of the way in? And then I couldn’t take it anymore. My dad read it and said it got better, but I couldn’t bring myself to renew the library book and find out. Does anyone know if I missed anything?

Despite growing up madly in love with The Next Generation, I never watched the animated series...until the middle of the night 2 years ago. My son woke up with the stomach flu, and couldn’t go back to sleep, and for some strange reason I put the animated series on Netflix for him...and he snuggled in and passed out

It was Arnold, the grandfather, who didn’t know the exact due date (I had to read it twice for the same reason). 

I maintain that “The Next Right Thing” should become the 2020 anthem. It’s like a pep talk-shit sucks, so take things one step at a time. 

Lol there you go!

Maybe it’s me, or i had extra bad instant coffee, but I tried Dalgona coffee a few times and was decidedly meh on it. 

That’s her name in the altered timeline, they’ve said it a number of times in the show. I guess the Tomaz was what the family changed their name to in order to avoid the metahuman hunting?

They already (sort of) spoiled that he’d be back, there’s a clip of him sitting up and asking what he’d smoked, and it’s clearly a different outfit/scene than any we’d already seen.

Also, and the article doesn’t seem to get into this, but wouldn’t it also depend on whether Feinstein was calling someone and saying “hey, sell this” versus outsourcing the entire stock portfolio to someone else? If she hired someone and gave them discretion to trade as needed with no input from her, this is purely a

I think young Gen-X/old Millenial (1979-1982ish?) have kids in the age range. Or at least i have a kid in this age range who’s super excited for Scoob! Me? Not so much.

My guess is that it’s threefold: population density is insanely high in NYC (and being NYC-adjacent with tons of commuters is why NJ got whammied so hard), NYC has had this percolating as a dense hotspot for longer, and it looks like a lot of Texas’ hotspots are in rural areas and linked to meatpacking plants: https://