
I’ve never been so grateful for a shellfish allergy. 

I am legitimately concerned for a lot of gyms, especially in the NY/NJ area. It’s hard enough for a SoulCycle type place to make things safe, and they have significant advantages since they work off a reservation system and people generally stay put on their bikes.

At the risk of making you feel like someone’s dad, what about Jos A Banks?

Also, isn’t the idea that the average person uses a homemade or basic cloth mask, thus leaving the PPE to people on the front lines of healthcare?

Allison gets my vote solely for the pastina pick. Whenever I had an ear infection as a kid, my mom made pastina with cheese melted into it. It’s a big old bowl of comfort.

It’s about right for 2020...then you’d be on the Comcast side of Comcast vs Trump. Only 2020 could make Comcast the good guys. 

Agreed. I wouldn’t call either true Mexican food, but Qdoba at least tries to change things up with flavors, and generally has more variety and tastier choices. I’m sadly something of a connoisseur of both, since Qdoba is the only fast-food/fast-casual near my office and Chipotle is local to home and a favorite of my

The article was coming from the thesis that we’d all get super used to grocery delivery and not go back to going to the store. My point was that my experience was the opposite-I hadn’t used grocery delivery before this, I can’t get it to work now, so I don’t have any particular incentive to use it later’s

I can’t speak for every area, but I live in central NJ, and even if I wanted to do online grocery shopping I can’t. Target, Walmart, Wegmans and Shop Rite are all so booked up their apps won’t even let you schedule something because it’s so far out. The only way I’m hearing of people getting their orders in is by

I am not a sports or entertainment person but logic would dictate there’s a significant difference:pro sports teams need far less people. You need a few referees/umpires, a couple of cameramen (or drones) to film, and two teams. Plus it’s either outdoors or in a controlled environment with everyone being monitored and

I think he honestly thought I was hallucinating (lifelong fear of spiders) so I’m sure he just ignored it.

oh my god you’re my hero! thank you thank you!

That is terrifying.

Oooh googling that now...definitely open to any recipes or tips! I would love to try some recipes!

I have no good solutions for you, except on the pickles front. For some reason, quarantine has led me down the rabbit hole of refrigerator pickling every vegetable I can get my hands on-I’ve pickled all the leftover carrots and celery I didn’t use for chicken soup last week, and I even learned how to make half-sour

All this talk of leaf blowers makes me deeply appreciate my upstairs neighbors suddenly, whose big crime is vacuuming 100x a day. I don’t know if they have a hoard of silent shedding dogs up there or are just really OCD, but they vacuum constantly.

THIS! I’ve had a number of people say “oh just do curbside” and there’s nothing in my area. My preferred grocery store website is buckling so much under the pressure that even when I used the app to make an in-store shopping list it crashed.

I will never forget watching the Flukeman episode live. I was 13, I was home alone, I’m pretty sure I was sick and the rest of my family was out somewhere. All I know is that I watched the episode and laid motionless on the couch despite desperately having to pee, because I was so terrified of using the bathroom

My dad had me convinced when I was about 5 that there was such a thing as a gefilte fish, and that ahead of passover my grandmother was keeping a school of them in the bathtub, so she could make the gefilte fish as fresh as possible.

Archewell sounds like a perfect name compared to the J&J subsidiary offices near me...which are called...wait for it...