
My dad riffs on this every year....he’ll wave the maxwell house haggaddah around, and then he’ll pull out other tie-ins like the grocery store haggaddah, the passover greeting card he found, even our hebrew school haggadah...

Don’t forget the sardine oil!

John McCain was a natural born citizen, he was born in Panama (though on an army base so technically American soil?) The closest we got to that debate was Ted Cruz, who was born to an American parent in Canada.

Agreed, I got all teary this morning. It was oddly very comforting. Cant wait to show my son later, I think it will make him feel better too. 

The only mitigating circumstance here is that it’s like the Queen would not be using local resources like the local hospital. It’s far more likely if the Queen were sick that they’d construct an entire ICU wherever she was. The Queen also isn’t running around grocery shopping for herself or hanging at local hiking

My climbing gym closed and gave people two options: suspend membership, or maintain membership and get some free day passes once they reopen. I picked the day pass option since my kiddo loves to climb there, and I usually just get him a day pass since it’s cheaper than paying monthly for a kid who might go once a

My sweet but insanely dumb labrador once watched a mouse roll a dog treat across the kitchen, and just flopped over and sighed dramatically in response. 

I am a big fan. The first season has some bumpy moments, but the second season is excellent. It even addresses a lot of ethical issues that come out of the varying conflicts, and many of the tensions and storylines carry through in a more organic way than Star Trek sometimes did.

If they set it in Edison, NJ it would make a goddamn KILLING.

Heck, there’s a LEGO DC Superheroes show about this-Batman, Nightwing, and Batgirl go on a trip, and Superman is left in charge of Gotham, eventually ending up with Superman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg all getting their butts kicked by Batman villains until Robin comes in and teaches them how to fight like Batman.

That’s my personal feeling (though my state votes so late, it doesn’t matter what I think).

As an adult I was given Singulair for my allergies, and it had a terrible magnifying effect on my anxiety and depression. It’s not just kids who can be negatively impacted by this. I already had anxiety, but I will never take Singulair again, because it just made everything so much worse. 

On the other hand, “Sad matzoh birthday cakes” would make an AMAZING band name for an emo-klezmer mashup. 

I have non-Jewish colleagues who LOVE matzah too...I don’t get it. My coworker gets so excited for Passover and stocks up on Matzah and she’s Catholic. I guess it’s different if it’s not forced upon you or tied inextricably to long seders with only Manischewitz for comfort. 

Damn, that was a harsh review of hamantaschen...for some reason I love them. I get so excited for spring because first it’s Purim and hamantaschen, and then it’s Passover and those ridiculous chocolate covered jelly rings which shouldn’t be at all appealing but damn I could eat a box in one sitting.

The footage of Jill Biden diving into action is the single greatest thing I’ve seen all day. That woman didn’t skip a beat-the Secret Service should recruit her. 

Combos taste best on a road trip. Preferrably like an hour into a 4-5 hour drive.

I tried it yesterday (I was at Dunkin anyway getting my son a snack, and saw they had it, so why not?)

Exactly-and it could be that someone said to him “Hey, how Jen holding up with her ex going on and on in interviews?”, and he gave the typical concerned boyfriend answer. Doesn’t mean he’s about to go all alpha male on Batfleck or something. 

Where do I bill Jalopnik for the tetanus I’m pretty sure I caught from looking at those photos?