
If anyone shows up with an instrument case registered to Carlos Ghosn, then yea, he’s making a run for it. 

I want more details on the sleep sandwiches. Are they different than awake ones? Does he cover both sides of the bread with peanut butter and trap the jelly in the middle? Does he take requests? Toast the bread? We need details!

Oh shit I forgot all about Drop Dead Gorgeous. Definitely need to add that in too, and that triumvirate would definitely get more viewers than Miss America. 

Proposal: In place of the actual pageant, just pay networks to broadcast “Little Miss Sunshine” and “Miss Congeniality”. 

FWIW, that’s because there’s increasing evidence that women are better at endurance sports than men. When you get to ultramarathon type levels, women are equal to or outperform men at times...basically, shorter distances favor men, longer distances favor women.

Well it seemed the studio was somewhat confident since they slid in a very big hint at a sequel during the that was big enough my 6 year old rated it as “one of the best parts of the movie!”

It’s more that for the longest time, it seemed like introducing a gay character put a “NEXT TO DIE” sign on their shirt.

Bingo! Sonic is for kids. My son understood how to play Sonic on my phone when he was 4 (he’s 6 now). He loves the old Sonic cartoon, Sonic X, and Sonic Boom. He and his best bud have been asking me for two months if they can go see the Sonic movie together.

Agreed. Thirteen has been indicating more and more since Spyfall that her equilibrium is shattered, she’s trying to work through the fallout of The Master, Gallifrey, a mystery regeneration, the timeless child, the lone cyberman...she’s got a lot on her plate, and she’s trying to navigate how to transition from being

we have so much in common...we both like talking. Or not talking. 

Thank you! That was my first thought as well. 

Actually, oral immunotherapy (OIT) is done by eating tiny amounts of peanut flour and building up a resistance. My son did it and has been declared free of his peanut allergy, though he still has to eat peanut butter a few times a week just to remain adjusted to it.

I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought they’d imagined this show!

Yup. At the end of the day, DO NOT FUCK WITH NANCY PELOSI. She is a badass. Honestly, I’m on her side politically and I’d be terrified to give a speech with her standing behind me...she’s got the “I am very disappointed in you, and you WILL hear all about it as soon as we’re not in public” face down to a science. 

Yea, that’s what I thought too. My son did OIT for peanuts, and it took a few years but he did eventually “graduate” and is considered no longer allergic to peanuts. His blood tests were negative and after going off the OIT protocol and undergoing a food challenge at the allergists he passed. He still eats peanut


YES! For some reason I feel that way especially about this episode. So, so weird, but also in hindsight it speaks to the confused crush I had on Dr Crusher, so for the longest time between being kid watching syndicated eps and finally rewatching the show on streaming, the only two things I remembered clearly about the

This is true. I think of it sort of like Detective Pikachu-it wasn’t a movie I would have voluntarily seen, but it was 110% worth it for the look of pure joy on his face. And yea, Jim Carrey looks like he’s having an insanely good time. 

Alternately, people like me are going to suffer through it because kids. My child is 6, and he has asked me weekly for the last month when the Sonic movie was coming. 

Exactly! I saw the headline and my first thought was, “Dammit PETA, do you want terminators? Because that’s how you get terminators.”