
Well...maybe we’ll get Barrowman but not Captain Jack...maybe we’ll see the first phase of the Face of Boe ;)

THANK YOU! I was wondering how no one was thinking Scientology. 

Their coffee is really good. So is Quick Check’s.

My whole world changed the day I realized frozen White Castle and fresh(ish) from the drive thru White Castle basically tasted the same.

Also, the donation to the school helps all the students. A “Target Mossimos” dorm wouldn’t be just for the Target Mossimo offspring, it would house many, many students. Same with a wing of the library, a new gym, etc.

I attended one of the seatings (IIRC there were a few-we were at the 9:30 one). I don’t have a huge social media presence, so while they pulled the dog name trick on one person I was with and a location-based question on my colleague, the only thing they could say to me was ask about Star Trek.

Admittedly I’m an American who only half pays attention to these things. But it seems more like the British tabloids just enjoy going after whoever is newest/most interesting to harass. They harassed Camilla, and IIRC they called Kate “Waity Katie” and accused her of social climbing, being lazy, insulted her family,

Not saying that’s the best outcome, but Spider-Man is technically a Disney property. He’s owned by Marvel. Sony only owns the movie rights. And I doubt Disney plans to let this situation continue forever, especially since IIRC Spidey is the last of the Marvel characters who were licensed out and not brought back

Eh...for now. But IIRC the Sony/Spider-man deal has a few different ways Disney gets Spidey back, including if Sony Pictures gets purchased.

Evolution is the perfect example of a movie so terrible it boomerangs back around to good if you don’t think too hard about it.

Quibi’s insurance thought that was too high risk for the show. 

Or the episode where Data impersonated Picard’s voice and took over the ship! I feel like the Enterprise should have had some sort of retina scan/fingerprint sensor since they had an all-powerful, not-really-studied android working the helm, and voice impersonation seems really insecure in that circumstance, as proven

I always assumed Riker, Riker, and Troi had a a lot of closed door meetings...

There’s a bulk candy place in the mall near me. Has a dumb name like “lolli and pops” but they sell a pretty big selection of bulk candy and not just the same crap as everywhere else.

Those are weird looking, and I feel like if you feel the need for a sock with grips on the bottom, just spend the $20 to get FitKicks. 

Robin’s coming out was so incredibly pitch-perfect, I have to assume at least someone in the writer’s room came out in the 80's/early 90's. I loved that moment so much because I lived that moment so many times (minus the coming down off Russian truth drugs in a bathroom wearing a sailor suit). 

Every time I see those Ferrero Rocher commercials, I think about how a pyramid of candy would last .05 seconds around most of my friends, because someone would definitely want to Jenga that shit and see how many you could take from the bottom before the whole thing collapsed.

Exactly. I worked at a Borders Cafe in college and I remember one coworker who just constantly clashed with our manager. One day they caught her on camera eating some random food that was supposed to be tossed (like an overtoasted bagel or something) and that was that. If she had been a management favorite, that might

He’s the rep for my parents. My mom’s exact words were “Fantastic, now I don’t have to vote for the motherf—cker again”. She was NOT happy when he won the Democratic primary, so she’s all for someone else beating his ass. 

I thought the issue too was that the actor decided to take a break from would have been interesting to see him in Legends S4, he could have struggled with not being able to outrun magic or encountered magic users who were immune to speedforce effects.