It’s super old grandma was 90 when she was using it, so I give her a pass, but I think under 50-60 is where referring to female friends as “girlfriend” feels really dated.
It’s super old grandma was 90 when she was using it, so I give her a pass, but I think under 50-60 is where referring to female friends as “girlfriend” feels really dated.
FWIW I’m a lesbian and I’ve always hated referring to someone as a “partner”. Felt too much like a law firm. I have zero issue with girlfriend, I called my ex-wife my wife when we were married, and I think people should do whatever they want...but for me, partner just feels impersonal.
Agreed. I was making a to-do list today, and I was trying to explain to someone I have to do it on my phone because my handwriting is so bad I won’t know what I wrote, defeating the whole purpose of the to-do list...
Seagulls are assholes.
It’s less don’t ask questions, and more “Hey, this is way outside my wheelhouse. Is there an appropriate time for me to ask some questions? I don’t mean to pry, but I want to learn.”
As a corollary: I think more kids should be taught the idea that families come in different types. My son is 5, and he gets very upset (understandably) when someone asks him about his “dad”, or if someone asks if I am his stepmom because they already met his other mom. It’s compounded by being the child of divorced…
See and I still think the ghost sex paled in comparison to when one man with a non-automatic weapon somehow held an entire hospital hostage long enough to endanger or shoot every lead on the show.
I can’t believe you made it through the whole review without once saying “YOU’RE A WANKER, NUMBER 9!”
My brother in a chicken restaurant at the age of 6, while dancing trying to hold it in: “Mooooooom, am I a hen or a rooster?”
My son LOVES my mom’s cooking. Literally, everything she’s ever made him he gobbles up. Except the time she served turkey bacon.
Also, I legit can’t remember, but didn’t they just cheat for the older daughter? If the younger one is graduating, she’s the one they didn’t cheat for, so...good for her for not being perceived as dumb as her sister? I feel bad for the younger one, since she’s going to be seen as caught up in this even though she…
On Call the Doctor, there are three songs that flash me back to feeling like this lost lonely kid in high school, and hearing those songs made me realize there was a whole world of awesome outside of the assholes in my school:
I have an insane soft spot for Call the Doctor, because it spoke to me on a deep level when I was a teenager trying to figure out who I was as I was coming out.
I am deeply disappointed this was not a comforter emblazoned with Sarah Michelle Gellar holding a stake.
I am deeply disappointed this was not a comforter emblazoned with Sarah Michelle Gellar holding a stake.
Exactly. IIRC isn’t that Tim Kaine’s view? He personally wouldn’t support it, but he would never tell anyone else they have to take his stance?
I get my rotisserie chicken from Wegmans, and I have zero issue with leaks. The bag is sealed pretty well, so as long as you aren’t playing football or infinity gauntlet with it the plastic should hold.
Well...there’s a lot of speculation those weren’t so much made because everyone had a great plan, but because Sony had to use Spider-man or risk a phalanx of Disney lawyers showing up to steal him back.
True-for better or worse, if you’re not the face of a major sports team you’re expendable. The whole system is bonkers and not great for the athletes.
This super sucks but isn’t understanding is that track and field athletes in general, and women in particular, get the shaft really fast on endorsement deals. And those deals aren’t exactly crazy lucrative like other sports to begin with.
It makes sense it came from Australia. I know it as a rugby thing-score in the game, shoot the boot at the drinkup after.