
Still, that feels like naming a color after him for the parents, not the kids. My kid DGAF about what Crayola calls a color, he’s going to call it blue. Or red. Or not red enough. Or too pink. Or too not pink.

I haven’t tried car milk yet. How is it against almond and soy milk? And do you think Honda or Toyota has better flavor?

It took me years before I could eat pork fried rice from a chinese restaurant after I got severe food poisoning from it once. I can’t say for certain it was the rice, but it was the one thing both my ex and I ate from that place that night. All I remember clearly was getting violently ill, then she got ill, then we

For me it was spiced rum. I can’t even smell the stuff, and it’s been almost 20 years. 

I legit think I would have lost my shit whooping if Rebel Girl had kicked up at that moment...that would have been AMAZING. 

Good choice, but I would have gone with the fight scene set to “Just a Girl”, because until that moment I did not know how badly I needed a fight scene set to No Doubt.

Agreed. There are so many legal ways they could have used their money and influence to, you know, EDUCATE THEIR KIDS. I don’t really care either way about Kim Kardashian, but it does seem like she’s basically saying she wants her kids to do something and not just sit around on piles of money, and if her kids don’t

Now playing

The littlest worm I ever saw, was stuck inside my soda straw...

Are there vegas odds on whether Omid is secretly Josh Duggar?

I feel like this is an excellent satire sketch waiting to happen. 

Agreed. Whoever Huffman/Macy hired is worth it, because it went from her and Loughlin being the face of this to just Aunt Becky, with Huffman being held up as the responsible person taking their punishment quietly.

I recently learned that Victorians took a look at hair and thought “arts and crafts!” and it still creeps me out.

I think one thing we keep forgetting with this too is that this is basically revenge porn gone wild.

So am I the only person who watched the first season of Transparent, decided all of these people except Judith Light were awful human beings, and just gave up on the show? I didn’t see it as a fantastic bit of representation or that Maura was some sort of hero-I thought every main character was a selfish prick, there

My five year old is so, so, so excited for this, it’s making me excited just to see how happy each new trailer makes him. 

The number one lesson here: NEVER MESS WITH THE IRS. They are the Terminators of the federal government. They do not rest or sleep and they love going after anything tax evasion related. 

Wait that was a required tour? I’ve been there, I just wandered over and ordered beer. I guess I wasn’t paying much attention.

Eight episodes is probably the perfect amount-Season 2 stuck the landing with the final 3 episodes but it had a lot of filler in the middle that could have been cut without railroading the plot. 

Isn’t she a second generation Scientologist? I still think she’s batshit for being part of it, but if she was raised with it maybe she’s blinder to how weird it is...

And if you’re going to fly Frontier, try very hard not to fly them into or out of an airport where they are the main airline. Nothing like being stranded in Minneapolis and being told that Frontier MIGHT get you to Trenton the next day by way of Denver, but they can’t say for certain.