
I was waiting for someone to mention that!

We watched an OLD sexual harassment video at Borders that literally had a manager asking someone to bend down to pick up books and then grabbing her ass.

I really need to slow down when I scroll, because I read that as “If I had Leo’s money I’d sure as fuck be fucking dinosaur bones” and I thought, damn this sight is getting kinky. 

Ride shares are super handy in/around cities, especially if I’m drinking. But in the suburbs, where I would guess the majority of car owners drive (?), it’s laughably expensive as a daily idea. I just pulled it up for shits and giggles and it would cost me $88 round trip just to get to work and back.

I’m just really glad someone else sees it too. I was starting to worry I was the only one with such a twisted view of the world.

Oh my god the corporate synergy would be amazing! And think of all the Lifetime/Hallmark stars they could use as cameos! I think a good chunk of the country would tune in to watch Tori Spelling get iced in the cold open...

My takeaway from these movies is this:

It might be regional but I had the same experience. A sloppy joe was a deli sandwich. I vaguely understood from school lunches that there was some other kind of sloppy joe that involved ground beef, but I always thought that was the wrong name.

Kate also tends more conservative because she’s the future queen, and Meghan isn’t going to ascend any higher in the hierarchy, so she has more freedom to experiment with her outfits than Kate. 

I take grad classes online and we have to submit every paper to turn it in before we submit it to the prof. 

At a thrift sale ones my kid desperately wanted what looked at first glance like plastic soldiers so we bought it. This particular thrift sale was pretty chaotic and the set was only $2 so whatever, right?

My son, upon hearing the name spider-ham: So he’s a pig who likes ham? Me: Sure....we’ll go with that. 

It really is. And that feeling still crops up with every text, a year later.

I mean... the whole thing is batshit but why not just enforce the boyfriend rule for the girlfriend? That’s an actual compromise. 

I wonder if it got conflated with some sort of alimony or settlement payout over a five year period. There is a stipulation in many alimony settlements that if the receiver gets married or cohabitates with a significant other the alimony can be dropped or lowered.

Any reason you wouldn’t take a five year old to see this? My son is super psyched based on the trailer, and he’s seen The Avengers and Jurassic Park, so I think we’re in the clear....

No Crash Bandicoot???? No deal. 

On a purely shallow level, can they dunk Jodie Whittaker every episode? She looked crazy hot all soaked and angry.

With respect to cut supers, I just assume they all work out bench pressing trains like Mr Incredible. 

Agreed. I was a vegetarian for most of college, but one night after a particularly upsetting fight with my parents, I totally went and got McD’s chicken nuggets. Totally worth feeling like ass for them in that moment. They’re like a once a year comfort hug.