
Yes. Then salt the ground to be sure. 

The NRA has become the major obstacle to an open gun control discussion. It’s impossible to have a discussion about gun control because as soon as the words are out the NRA is screaming like a toddler having a tantrum.

Another story on this mentioned they used the son’s shark tooth necklace to pop the float when they got to land, which just confirms 100% this was Florida. 

We once had a squirrel nest in our car. My ex was driving and kept hearing a squealing noise so she went to the dealership, and they were shocked to find a nest of baby squirrels in the engine hood. Our then-3 year old wanted to keep them as pets.

For what it’s worth, that exact code haunted me on my 2008 Prius for almost a year before I finally replaced it.

I just assume they have photos of him in drag on a BDSM float at a pride parade.

Very pleasant surprise! Polls were showing it would lean D but I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

I’m sure it is still super restrictive. But I was more replying to the fact that Moss is not an example of a new generation of fresh Scientologists, since she didn’t choose to join as an adult.

I thought I read Elisabeth Moss grew up in the church. So while she’s a Scientologist, it’s more something she’s always been than something she was recruited into as she became more famous like Cruise, Travolta, etc. 

NOOO it is so good you voted in NJ-7! Malinowski is polling slightly ahead and we need him to unseat Lance. Not only is Lance a republican but he is, by all accounts, a dreadful douchebag of a human being. Fingers crossed for malinowski!

I had a friend who would drive HORRIBLY whenever she was angry. The worst was a night where we left a christmas party and took a wrong turn. She screamed at me for not being able to pull up a map on my pokey Palm Treo phone, ranted the whole drive back to my place, and basically shoved me out of the car when we got

Oh thank god, I did the same thing, and was really excited to learn what sort of bizarre legal loophole allowed someone to legally represent a bird. 

The only way this kind of makes sense is if the entire hotel was booked by her office for security reasons, but why in hell would they book an entire hotel for 6 hours?

I am 100% convinced Paw Patrol exists in the same universe as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

In hindsight, one of the early signs my grandma was suffering from dementia was her freakout about brown spiders. She had killed some small bug she found in her room, and because she was on blood thinners and squished the bug bare handed, she had a bruise on her finger.

Seriously-I don’t know what magic Beth Broderick was using but she looks AMAZING!

I noticed this too-you could honestly drop the entire plot of most of the episodes into any random time period and it would still hold up well. It’s just universally GOOD. 

Middle eastern-I used to eat them all the time as a kid. Makes me insanely sad that my kid is deathly allergic to sesame and will never know the weird textural/flavor experience of Halvah. 

All I know is that now I have a powerful craving for halvah. 

I was convinced as a child that vampires were going to eat me. My solution was to sleep with the covers wrapped completely around my head so only my mouth was free to breath. I slept like that even in summertime-it didn’t matter how hot it was, if my neck was exposed I couldn’t sleep out of fear I was going to get