I understand. My grandma lived in Lakewood, which is basically being slowly choked to death by encroaching Hassidim. She still works at the Haemishe Bakery there.
I understand. My grandma lived in Lakewood, which is basically being slowly choked to death by encroaching Hassidim. She still works at the Haemishe Bakery there.
We have. He was a rescue, he has bbs and a bullet in him (yea, that was a fun call from the vet when they did an x-ray and found a bullet in him), and he’s incredibly sweet to humans, just skittish around dogs he doesn’t know. It’s sort of remarkable that a dog who was clearly shot at repeatedly has such a deep love…
EXACTLY! We had a neighbor with a rotating pack of chihuahuas for a while (it was always unclear if there were 4 and she took care of a few extra, or if she rotated how many were out at any given time), and she appeared to only have leashes for two of them. They would constantly tear off down the street after me while…
THANK YOU. My dog has issues with other dogs, and it’s one that has popped up as he’s gotten older (and his eyesight has gone way downhill).
I agree!
I swear when I worked at Borders 17 years ago we had some sort of summer special drink that was espresso and Coke.
Oh totally...but I somehow doubt anyone called Sir Patrick’s mother a urinal while he was doing it, which takes away some of the fun... ;)
It’s entirely possible Megyn Kelly tore him a new one for an hour and made him look like the lunatic he is.
If we’re trading animal poison control tips, I also suggest hoarding those infant tylenol syringes-perfect for both shooting Tylenol into a sick infant’s mouth AND forcing a dog to ingest peroxide so he can yak all over your backyard.
It could be worse...shooting the boot is a common tradition after rugby games. Imagine that instead of a sweaty racing shoe, that was a sweaty, muddy rugby shoe...and you were surrounded by friends singing obscene songs about your family at you until you chugged the shoe.
I had a cyclist hit my car once. He was riding along the shoulder and swung abruptly into the road. My wife was driving and had the good instincts to immediately swing into the opposing lane and slam on the brakes. The biker proceeded to continue his leftward drift, hitting the corner of my car, flipping onto the hood…
I had a rental Veloster once. I was super excited to drive it until I hit the highway, and it accelerated so slowly I got worried I’d left the parking brake on.
Yes, and he felt the need to clarify that by pointing out that as the CEO he would not be sleeping with his employees. Which he then punctuated by hashtagging a complaint about that.
It’s important to read the full letter, because what makes the whole thing sort of skeevy is when he explained that since you can’t screw your subordinates, he (Travis) will be celibate on the trip, which he followed up with a #CEOLife #FML.
I am disappointed to hear all these reports of how slow the CT200H is. I briefly considered adding a CPO one to my list of future replacements for my Prius, but my 08 Prius can move. I once sped past a mustang and the driver just looked rightfully ashamed.
All this needed was a trip to a police drug convention and a red convertible.
That or they saw the South Park episode that theorized Family Guy is written by manatees pushing balls around, and thought “Wow, that’s a damn good way to design a car.”
Does this mean my constant wearing of a baseball cap is suddenly cool? And if so, does this mean small children will stop assuming I am my son’s dad based on my choice of headwear, despite my clearly female boobs?
The thing is, for us to get to the point of even invading the Cabinet for presidential succession means we’re basically living in either Battlestar Galactica or The Handmaid’s Tale...
My dad had a Nissan 350Z (aka his midlife crisis car) and I was so excited when I moved back to the area and could go for rides in it.