
Union has some really nice areas for sure.

I am disappointed to hear all these reports of how slow the CT200H is. I briefly considered adding a CPO one to my list of future replacements for my Prius, but my 08 Prius can move. I once sped past a mustang and the driver just looked rightfully ashamed.

Walking distance to the train and a >45 minute ride are what will cost you big time.

All this needed was a trip to a police drug convention and a red convertible.

That or they saw the South Park episode that theorized Family Guy is written by manatees pushing balls around, and thought “Wow, that’s a damn good way to design a car.”

Does this mean my constant wearing of a baseball cap is suddenly cool? And if so, does this mean small children will stop assuming I am my son’s dad based on my choice of headwear, despite my clearly female boobs?

The thing is, for us to get to the point of even invading the Cabinet for presidential succession means we’re basically living in either Battlestar Galactica or The Handmaid’s Tale...

My dad had a Nissan 350Z (aka his midlife crisis car) and I was so excited when I moved back to the area and could go for rides in it.

Exactly. It’s not like she has the right to sell it and steal the proceeds-she just isn’t being booted out of her own home. It’s a super common estate plan for second marriages where one spouse owned the property, as it accomplishes what most people would want. Their kids (eventually) inherit everything, but the

A part of me wonders if that’s the point-scare the crap out of the kid by charging her, let the court play good cop and let her off with a stern warning, and she walks away thoroughly freaked. That’s the ONLY scenario where I can see them taking an 8yr old to court and being able to sort of justify it.

My parents have lost a number of electronic devices to sudden high tide waves on the Jersey shore, so I think this just means the ocean has a taste for expensive electronics. Forget sharks, the high tide is coming for your car and your iPhone.

Agreed! RPO was a silly nostalgia read, but Armada ended so badly I had to go back and make sure I wasn’t misunderstanding and/or fell asleep reading and imagined that horrible ending.

I just laughed embarrassingly hard at my desk, so we’re in the same club.

One correction: the NJ gubernatorial primary is June 6th. The winners of the GOP and Dem nominations will move on to the general in November. So anyone who wants to vote for Brennan, go vote on June 6th.


I’m not sure my kid has figured out how door locks work, but he definitely knows how to open the windows.

I don’t blame you! I get the same way about stuff like that, and EZ Pass seems to have built their entire business around seeing if anyone notices when they find a way to “accidentally” charge more.

My kid has been pretty good (mostly), but my dog once ate an entire bag of mint chocolate kisses and decided the right time to throw them all up was en route to the emergency room.

Yea, so here’s the full story:

Me too!