Amram's Queso the Mondays

*Closes laptop thoughtfully, wipes away a tear, considers life for a moment, reopens laptop, types away furiously*

Yeah, injured players don’t hit HRs at high rates!

We’re just trying to have a good time, narc

Vinny Testaverde waits by the rotary phone.

Do all career .248 hitters get paid that way, or just the ones where you intentionally omit that they are four time all stars? 

His...his fastball actually cuts. Am I insane? I feel like I’m going insane here.

Roxanne! You don’t have to put on that red hat.

New nickname idea: The Lunar ‘Lander!

You have to take the gags out of their mouths.

That’s out of this world

Nissan - If you make the Leaf look like a Figaro, I will buy one.

Boogie GOATing it up for 5 solid minutes was my favorite part of the game. 

except that Draymond Green made a phenomenal play to leap out from fronting Marc Gasol

The fact that the team chose that moment to play the Stone Cold Steve Austin theme makes this so much better.

“Yankees Fan Righteously Insecure Post Perfectly Illustrates Why We Hate Yankees Fans”

hat seems uppity, huh?

Now playing

Plus side, we found Bob Costas’s Kinja.

No, actually Strop’s hat is cool.

That’s a bullshit way to break up a no-hitter. 

Even Andray Blatche completely agrees with that Andray Blatche burn.