
My grandfather came here from Hercegovina when he was 16. He had the address of a family friend in New York City and heard a rumor that there was a concrete plant somewhere in New York that hired Croatians. There was, but as far as I can tell he never worked there. He worked odd jobs, moved around to the homes of

“- Deporting people born in the United States because their parents were not born in the United States
- Deporting thousands of people per day until the United States is entirely emptied of non-citizens”
Similar things are said by the NPD here in Germany. And they are nothing else then a Neo-Nazi Organisation. Yes

While we’re at it, could we give a shout out to CNN (a network no one should ever watch) for gleefully playing the Vince McMahon-carnival barker role here?

I lost my watch at a party once. I found it later, but a guy was standing on it. While he was standing on it, he was physically assaulting a woman. So, I walked up to him and punched him right in the mouth. No one does that to a girl. Not on my watch.

Atlantic City is the equivalent to New Jersey’s Australia

Being a honky fuck who jizzes his Jordaches over what is “urban” and “breaking the law” sounds like a very internet commenter thing to do. And don’t stop there-you are only irked by these “criminals” because they are black, and are, in your eyes, “getting away with it.”

So Hungary is the Texas of Europe?

Yep. Also this.

What other Wayans? I am pretty sure he was an only child.

There’s nothing more cutthroat than high school football in Texas.

Fundie in the streets, but a freak in the sheets?

A good way for her to spend the 3 day weekend. Labor day celebrates the worker, and based on her spotty record on completing her duties, she doesn’t get to come to the cookout.

At the very least the video of her fucking the neighbor is playing on the jumbotron.

He knew there would be dangers when he enlisted.

I’ve always had a fantasy where they bring out the family and kids, and when they say turn around or Let’s welcome home Corporal Marine Todd, the family turns around overjoyed and then they wheel out a casket with the flag draped over it.

So, I started in a Texas High School during my sophomore year, and it was pretty much the same shit. Even the text itself maybe wasn’t so bad, but the teachers were absolute bastards, who’d frequently tone their lectures with “it wasn’t all that bad” shtick.

The third shift fry cook at my local McDonald's, who gave me food poisoning last month, is better at his job than Rovell.

You get the sense from looking at her face that she believes she is the bravest warrior to ever “warry”

How’s life over at Red State?

He also doesn’t seem to entirely grasp how Fish and Chips work.