Microtransactions aren’t available in-game and you have to go out of your way to find the cash shop. And none of it is pay-to-win, unless you count story skip/level skip but at that point why are you even playing.
Microtransactions aren’t available in-game and you have to go out of your way to find the cash shop. And none of it is pay-to-win, unless you count story skip/level skip but at that point why are you even playing.
Microtransactions aren’t available in-game and you have to go out of your way to find the cash shop. And none of it is pay-to-win, unless you count story skip/level skip but at that point why are you even playing.
Microtransactions aren’t available in-game and you have to go out of your way to find the cash shop. And none of it is pay-to-win, unless you count story skip/level skip but at that point why are you even playing.
I’m sure they’re talking about the original PS1, not just the PSOne redesign.
They’re talking about the original PS1, I’d imagine.
I have to agree with Epic on this one. Skill rating, in my past experience, is pretty platform agnostic and doesn’t put you at an inherit disadvantage by having to play with a console player. If anything, it means that if the console player ever switched to PC they’d place at a much higher skill rating. So, yeah,…
Metal Gear Solid V
You know how a doctoral candidate spends years and thousands of hours studying a tiny, seemingly-uninteresting segment of a field? Same idea here, just without a degree to show for it. Some people just like digging deeper into a subject than others care to go.
Found an image of OP
Any 3d Mario game
Banjo Kazooie/Tooie
Ape Escape
Jak and Daxter
Ratchet and Clank
Donkey Kong 64
Mirror’s Edge
Prince of Persia
Sly Cooper
Conker’s Bad Fur Day
I mean, if sports games aren’t your flavor then you probably won’t like Rocket League much. Personally I love the satisfaction of hitting the perfect aerial or breaking somebody’s knees with a well-timed dribble. The fun is in learning the mechanics and dominating your opponent with pure skill, just like any other…
I mean, if sports games aren’t your flavor then you probably won’t like Rocket League much. Personally I love the…
Rocket League actually scales very well to beginners. The game starts you out playing relatively new players and you only start playing good players after you’ve won a bunch of games yourself. When I started I felt like I was way overmatched in maybe 10% or so of my games.
Rocket League actually scales very well to beginners. The game starts you out playing relatively new players and you…
It’s possible, yeah, just takes a crap ton of skill. That’s why top-tier players absolutely dominate the competition.