Hip Brooklyn Stereotype

Voting won’t save us. Violence will. Riot for your rights.

I heard they tried to change this site to

Bad for the brand? Disney owns HULU which gives the world the Kartrashians. One has an ex who is a Nazi and all of them were pimped out by their mom. Such family values. At least this couple are cute and seem to be enjoying themselves.

You are quite the racist.  Who hurt you?

Children convicted as adults are not transferred to adult prisons until they turn 18. Not that it makes this charging decision less horrible, but what you're describing doesn't happen.

I suspect the reason for it can be found here:

Once again for the people in the back

Judging by some of the other comments, merely suggesting that there were other factors that contributed to her decision to commit suicide is blaming the victim and makes you a rapist.

You’re using the word “rape”, but the LA Times article about this referred to it as “an unwanted kiss”. Which may indeed be considered a sexual assault, but there is a world of difference between the two.

There should be an obligation of all educational institutions (kindergarten through post-secondary) to refer potentially criminal matters to local police.

Why are a sexual assault complaint and a retaliatory physical assault complaint investigated and litigated by a college instead of a local government, particularly given that Stanford is not a state school? Have fun throwing out the term “due process” all you like, a college is not a law enforcement body or a

Very, very sad when anyone takes their own life let alone a young person.  However, I don’t believe for a second the letter from Stanford caused her to take her life.  She obviously had other major mental health issues going on.

Delete your account, loser.

I’ll take that bet. Federal sentences, they HAVE to serve 85% of the sentence

Naw, she’ll be out in half that. Bet.

It’s a good thing Cory Booker doesn’t know he’s my secret boyfriend or else I’d have to dump him over this shit.

They were tech people, not science people. And the science people that did call her out on her bullshit were scared into silence. One of the whistleblowers comes from a 1% family who had to spend $400,000 on legal fees.

The ABC podcast about her just interviewed people who grew up with her, and apparently she name dropped being the step-niece of Lorenzo Lamas 😂

I mean, say what you will about Elizabeth Holmes, but my god is she an amazing pioneer in the field of gender equality for massive corporate con-jobs. 

Balto is a wolf in the same sense that Holmes is an entrepreneur. The difference is, I hope Balto comes out of this okay.