Hip Brooklyn Stereotype

Won’t anyone think of the sluts?


Age can make a difference. For instance in Georgia, if victim is under 10 years old then it’s rape automatically; 10 or older you have to prove force. These nuances have been developed by statute in response to appellate litigation by lawyers who didn’t think age was trivial.

Not what he knew, what did the state prove. C’mon, be a (litigation) lawyer, you don’t assume elements. The prosecutor just has to ask the child (or other witness) their age when the incident occurred and that’s enough to satisfy the Jackson v Virginia standard.

An element of the offense is the age of the victim. We fight on every element, it’s what we do.

What on Earth do Israeli “nationalistic principles” have to do with this case?

Internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug.

Yes Sumayyah, believe or not but men are not the only evil creatures in the world...shocking

Wtf?! , in regards to only John, i was at ABFF. & I remember this instance as I was with the entire cast of Snowfall & John the entire day. And during this particular segment, i was in arms length of you both when the photo was taken. You’re exaggerating and piecing little lies together to gas your article.

This sort of self justification overreach, “If it were a white man...” is what causes this shit. You’re a bad person.

With respect, PLEASE do not do that, judge someone just from a photograph. His words and actions are reprehensible and enough to judge him. I am a very tall and (hopefully not very) heavyset man, but I am queer and a victim of sexual assault. My looks have been a bar to support both in survivors groups and in

But why don’t victims of sexual violence come forward?

Is this an ad? Sponsored comments now, Jezebel? Come on!

So this will continue to be a garbage year?

I just got accused of being an MRA because I dared to point out the fact that women are also molesters, and that there is sentencing disparity in sexual crimes (and crimes in general), with woman receiving lighter sentences or no sentences. Despite the fact that I’m a woman, have been sexually harassed at work by a

I don’t want to be a man hating feminist but the men are making that really difficult.

I’d go further and call this cynical. I think the author understands that there is a very good chance, and its very reasonable to expect, that this was just poor phrasing. There’s this wing of “liberal” (read: not liberal in the slightest) thought that seeks to cut everyone and any one down and decry them as the enemy

“skeevy and not what I’d expect from this site.”

Probably for the same reason Jezebel is in love with Biden even though he’s super creepy and inappropriate with nearly every girl/woman he comes in contact with.