
No, thank you. It looks like poo.

And, you know what? I don’t give a shit.

Go build me a fancy table and shut up, freak. 

Seriously, are you y’all on some super secret “Star is Born” street team?

Protecting wealth and property is what a government is supposed to DO.

Spare the tool, spoil the child.

It’s a national anthem. It’s a song. No one NEEDS to stand. Pride is what you feel. Not necessarily what you enact as a performative moment so people like you don’t get in their snowflake feelings and criticize others for not falling into line and acting out patriotism.

The narrator creator says in the video “Imagine if the person who hates you the most wrote a book about you.”

I wish I had a trust fund.

And the College of the Ozarks statement IS illogical.

Well, I’m a dude, so...

What are you even talking about?

Point taken.  Thanks for schooling me. 

Other commenters have mentioned alternative strategies that would have made sense.

You’re comparing her relationship with outing a child predator?

Rose McGown I agree with you 100 percent.

You can’t objectify her because she’s a strong woman who sticks up for herself and others? Really?

It’s probably less about not wanting to show solidarity with Munn and more about trying to separate oneself from the shitshow as aggressively as possible. The faster this film disappears, the faster this is no longer a controversy and no cast member has to talk about it.  

Why do MAGAheads believe that companies won’t just wait out the clock on his Presidency and, instead, spend billions to build factories and recreate supply chains?