Why do MAGAheads believe that companies won’t just wait out the clock on his Presidency and, instead, spend billions to build factories and recreate supply chains?
Why do MAGAheads believe that companies won’t just wait out the clock on his Presidency and, instead, spend billions to build factories and recreate supply chains?
And with the tariffs soon forcing the rest of the world to increase the price of incoming American goods to punish us, the Chinese will get so many new customers.
Decent human beings.
But, I mean, people can still read your comments. And isn’t that the point? I’m not saying you or others are wrong to want to be ungreyed permanently, I just don’t understand why it makes a difference. I’ve been grey on some sites, ungrey on others (like here), and my stuff gets seen either way.
Gaucho, for me, is the best as an album about a single subject all the way through: Different aspects of living in L.A. at that time. I like it the most for that reason. If you want to understand L.A. as it went from 70s into the 80s, that’s the album you listen to.
I’ve seen a whole bunch of comments about this and I don’t get it.
An “idiot mute”.
No one wants new material from them.
He’s not owned the car for twice as many years as he did actually own it.
He’s made clear how much he hates them for YEARS. But they keep coming back for more.
You can find them for sale occasionally. But there’s a bunch of different versions. Look on Ebay. Seriously.
Ariana Grande ruins everything.
Simon didn’t start getting stadium tours on his own until “Graceland”.
Based on the photo under the headline, it’s more like a battle of plastic surgeons and retouchers.
I agree with you that we have other stories that could be and should be told.
So it’s an in-joke for viewers of a long-running comedy show?
Does having one or two people of color in a story with NO OTHER people of color stand in your eyes as a true examination of the depth and breadth of our history even when discussed/shown through interactions with the majority society.
What’s weird is the assumption that this director has something “wrong” with her. That her examination of a period and the people in it, particularly black people, must be tainted with some sort of need to excuse or glorify or in some other reify white people over blacks.
I do not understand this desire to pathologize other black or brown people who want to tell stories they know are true or that touch on complications in living as minorities in majority cultures.
I’ve heard her speak and her interest is in the complicated relationship that Europe and the UK has with its black citizens in the past.