
Sounds to me like you're unfamiliar with modern diesels. The new VW TDIs *don't* smell and *don't* sound like garbage trucks. The other mfr's diesels are just as good.

When a car does not have enough power to make a safe pass under good circumstance I would call it dangerously underpowered. And no, there is nothing wrong with my skills as many racing schools and sanctioning bodies will attest to. Though that car may hit 60 in 12 seconds when only carrying a driver in a magazine

My dad made do with a Rabbit Diesel back in the day and he did fine. I say bring on the oil burners.

That one's good, this one still wins for me though.

If I yell at him to go faster, do I gain or lose a pair of shoes?

I think she was the owner of the first Mustang ever bought by anyone at retail, rather than the first Mustang to roll off the assembly line.

That's sexy in the same way that this:

People have made it about an individual and I just carried that over to here. If you include all of those and "spread the wealth", the amount you'd be able to give to each individual contributor is still trivial. It's easy to just try to bring down the upper class. Find a good solution, not the easiest one you can

This isn't so much about my car (for obvious reasons) as new cars in general. So let's pull up the features of an average new car - the Nissan Sentra will do fine - and start to go over what's good and what isn't:

I dunno, I suspect the baggage that one comes with could be substantial.... perhaps she should come with a Suburban?

Fortunately the Ferrari heats its own seats.
(Burning Ferrari joke)

Yeah, and what did McDonald's spend to keep its business going? If you don't understand why that's important, don't bother replying.

If you forgot the notion of political parties you might have a better political philosophy. I'm not saying taxes are fair, I'm saying that taking money away from rich people isn't going to make a difference.

Now playing

You think the landing was rough, you should have seen the takeoff:

So how do we get out of this hole we're in? It really doesn't seem like there is any one obvious answer. Maybe it means new cars need to get cheaper, and not more expensive. It also could mean that we as a nation need more of a commitment to boosting wages at the lower, middle, and middle-upper levels so we can

Don't worry had he been speeding or had a yellow light changed to red too quickly he would have been cited. No time for real police work, no time to protect and serve, but wait if it involves a tax I mean a fine then the police will be there.

Car sales are screwed because this doesn't cost 25k.

The Germans never were much for fashion.

I think Raph is trying to say that the Civic Type-R hatch is just like anal.