
This video asks a lot more questions than it answers! They have to be some kind of factory or test mules but still.

1) Why set off the air bags? Can’t they be recycled as used parts in Germany?

2) Same with most every other part!

3) Why did they ave the full interior in? Don’t tell me that can’t be put in the used parts

You have a REAL Humvee and it LOVES off road. I’ve driven them from swamps, desert and above the arctic circle and they are amazingly capable. Take it out more often for what it was created to do, add a fording kit so you can get in some real puddles and trust it to get through things and it will amaze you. Also when

I am not defending the road age guy who shot at a car and killed a 4 year old in it, but the family were refusing to move right for faster traffic and then failed to signal meaning they were breaking two laws....

Yeah, sounds like a reasonable thing to say, correct?

EXACTLY! No one is saying the bike wasn’t wrong or breaking the law but people keep pointing it out like it excuses the driver ALSO crossing that double yellow (it is just as illegal for him as the biker) and his attempt to kill the couple for breaking a minor traffic law. The whole “but the bike was illegally passing

I have a 2002 F250 and it still has a weird electrical issue no one can figure out. Usually it starts and runs fine but at random it will suddenly run fine but the windows and radio will not work for a few miles and then suddenly start to work. I have checked every connector I can find for it all and that I can reach.

If anyone still believes that old fuck’s story, then you are an idiot. He is just trying to justify attempting to kill people. Yes the kids were wrong but the guy isn’t a police officers and they were not being pursued for a major crime. Hopefully after he gets convicted, the kids sue him where he can’t even have a

No it IS that guy’s fault. Or is not OK for a bike to cross the DY but perfectly acceptable for the car to cross the exact same DY and hit the bikers? The guy doesn’t care because he thinks he has a right to try and kill people for breaking any law he wants to enforce.

It is like the video I posted with the truck. The

Now playing

As I said, in MANY paces that is illegal. And there was no reason for the guy to slow down, just like there was no reason for him to swerve like that. You are just trying to make excuses for a guy trying to kill people. It is no better than if the rider just decide to pull a gun out and start shooting at the driver

Now playing

Nope, his attitude and first excuse show he is so big of an asshole he felt totally justified in trying to kill them. Kind of like the recent video of a truck crossing in the lane over the double yellow and almost taking out two motorcycle riders. The truck actually stopped after to yell at the bikers and tell them

If you notice, the guy was intentionally slowing down to harass other drivers and the bikers. There was no reason for him to slow to 20mh UNDER the speed limit and going that slow is also illegal on most roads due to the hazards you create. It wasn’t a piece of farm equipment that can’t got he speed limit and he

Take the guy’s medicare and social security checks, give them to the couple he tried to kill and then tell him “I don’t care.” That while the kids confiscate his home and possessions since h feels citizens have the right to enforce even minor laws with deadly force. Bet he would suddenly “care” when he was broke and

OK, I could have sworn the turbo was a leather only model from what I heard but I guess that was wrong! Thanks for correcting me. :)

Since my 1993 NA doesn’t have the origional engine anyways, I bought a BEAMS Red Top from a JDM 1998 to drop in it. The 5s-fe is honestly pretty good but since mine has a major fueling

Unmolested? Nope! Some is easy like the aftermarket shifter, the engine being a swap and in a NA body is a bit different. Yes they are a blast to drive and I have one I love dearly but the ad should be honest about the engine swap.

And for those who didn’t know, the turbo model cam with badging saying it was a turbo

BTW, the story is still accurate. You can change an app but the whole business model is a very different thing to change. But since you are so fond of telling people to do their research and google things, when you find those cities banning you having representation at a traffic court, you can also look up the app and

WOW! Hung up on my showing where you missed the answer to your question. It was only in the exact article you were commenting on. Besides trying to make every excuse possible for failing to actually read the article you commented on, crying I missed which amendment is a right to a lawyer STILL when I openly admitted

You are correct I mixed the amendment but the article leads back to another which explains exactly how the app works. T,hat isn’t hard to do and read. You will also find that shutting the fax off IS an attempt to block since they are trying to cut communications with lawyers except in person. The goal is to make it

If you read, the app has lawyers look at the ticket and give you odds of beating it based on the info. If you contest and win, you pay them 25% pf the cost of the fine. So all that app is doing is following your legal right to counsel when accused of a crime. So any idea it should be banned or is evil is saying that

Try doing it in Haiti! I have a friend who does it there for a company. BTW, they are looking for female paramedics who ride if anyone knows someone. You need to be a certified paramedic and able to ride a motorcycle but she loves the job!

They should charge him with speeding for each and every ticket he wrote. Police are NOT allowed to speed in their personal cars and he has openly admitted to it, that he was actually the driver and the speeds he was going with using official documents for it all. Then when he can’t drive from all the points, can’t pay

If you have to pick only one part, it would have the be the hood vents for me! And I actually named my son Ford due to the 1965 mkI version because these cars are so beautiful!