
I’d like to see the group Tax The rich do a video hooning one! Maybe we can get them involved in buying it up and have a group fleet of them for donors!

Pass if you are going to buy Jezebel too....

Simple, Ford strikes back showing two vehicles that have been put through accelerated aging of about 10 years. People like to KEEP their trucks until they die. The compare the strength of the steel body and bed that have rusted out like we see in the northern areas from salt to their aluminum.

The demands were from customers. I was getting plenty of calls asking if I was a member and rated and when i told them know because it was a scam that did nothing for the customer they would go to the other guys with BBB accreditation. I finally dropped them when the business died from the economy.

You would be surprised how many of all ages still buy the BBB crap. I wasted a lot over the years to keep them because so many demanded I be part of the BBB. Not like the customer base for spray foam insulation tends to be old.

SPOT ON!!! I had a business and got all those pretty things from them for the cost of the shake down. The sad part is, I did it because so many people kelp asking if I was accredited with them. So I spent money I didn’t have to, for membership to a group that really didn’t do anything or help anyone, to make customers

This is a NA also but I found a local place with a BEAMS Redtop and manual tranny from a JDM that I plan to swap in it. I also plan to take the BEAMS from NA to turbo with the swap. New rod and pistons, slightly bigger turbo than the stock one and it will be good for 400-500hp with daily reliability from the research

I’m more amazed they found a seat he has to SQUAT to fit instead of his feet dangling like a toddler’s!

So basically your whole argument boiled down to attempts at insults while saying women are so inferior they should not be held accountable for their actions. So if women are not accountable for their actions when drinking, then maybe we should ban them from getting alcohol. Kind of like how women are not responsible

No, you only blamed him for hitting back after she repeatedly tried to inflict serious harm on him and then said he was at fault for finally hitting her back. That was when you were not too busy making pathetic insults. Which is why you also have ignored the problem int he video I noted with you blaming him. Your

It is nice but my 1993 MR2 is about as fast with a worn 2.2! They want a fairly high price for them wen you can get a lot better performance for about the same money even in the new car department. Heck, Toyota doesn’t even list their version on their site anymore for the USA.

So for a cheap fun 2 seater to start in

No, you came out with insults saying a male has no right to hit her. You also are back pedaling and ignoring that in the video numerous people watched and ignored the whole thing until he hit back. Under your own claimed standards, their failing to get involved before hand would make it their fault instead of his.


Still no answer though. So are you so sexist that women are not mentally capable of being responsible for their actions like a 12 year old or are you racist and saying a black man has no right to self defense when someone tries to hit him repeatedly? You can make all the excuses you like for “your world” on things but

Still waiting for you to respond. Are you so sexist to think that a woman is not responsible for her actions because she is not mentally able to be or so racist to think a black male has no right to self defense?

You remind me of a woman I used to know. She always bragged she could take a man and wasn’t afraid because she was a trained Marine and police officer. Then she cried about how dare this guy punch woman. When I pointed out she was an unknown so it could have been a tough Marine and police officer assaulting him and

So beyond the insults, you still are not really addressing the problem. The only reason is that you either believe women are so mentally inferior that they are unable to be responsible for their actions or you are so racist as to believe a black male has no right to self defense. The irony is you saying I must hate

So beyond you hating cops and being full of insults, what is your reasoning that allows someone to punch and kick another repeatedly with the victim having no right to self defense? Is it because he is black and you support the KKK?

Watch the video and you will see that he is walking to a spot opening at the bar that another woman leaves. It is the spot traditionally used to go to for ordering drinks too. He bumps the woman from behind when she shifts to her left to take up some of the open space the other woman left when she moved. She then

Except we fail to teach women not to hit and even encourage them to do it saying that men should just “man up” and take being beat on. Then you end up with cases like mine where after years of abuse by my ex and having to suck it up because the police and society said a big and tough Marine was not allowed to hit

One big difference though, notice in your case others were trying to stop her and pulling her back. In this case people just sat there and ignored her attacking him. No one gave a fuck and he was pinned with no where to go in the crowd. It wasn’t until she had hit him twice and tried a 3rd time that he hit back. Then