
YUP! And if this is an issue where the Brits believe all of those things, then Clarkson needs to stop trying to claim Americans are the dumb inbred ones!

Sexiest car ever made! Ok, I am biased a bit. Just because my 14 year old son is named Ford due to the 1965 Mark I that I am in love with...

If you are impatient and don't want to wait a week for BBC USA to air it, another source would be to download it by torrent. Vest site I have found for doing that is https://eztv.it/ Never had a virus or other issue after years of using it so a worth while look.

Best part, someone in the NTSB with a sick sense of humor that actually confirmed the names for this! Yeah, I have children that are 1/4 Asian and I will go to hell for laughing at this. Then again, so are they since they laughed at it too!

OK look at the actual auction, umm, soooo...

Shipping is not included? Yeah, unlike that $20 pair of speakers from China, they can't afford to ship it to me for that price?

Well at least eBay says they will cover a whole $50,000 in protection if the seller is full of shit. Umm, wait, paying $1 million for the rims

At least he is relaxed and not a stressed out driver that is a danger to others with being overly aggressive, right?

Fires catch fire?!?! We are all doomed now if even fires can catch fire and burn!

Next up, how water drowns other types of water creating a water shortage....

And a jolopnik reader went back to drinking from losing hope in journalism. (Bulleit Rye to be exact)

Oldest military transportation out there...

Yeah, I have a couple of friends who like Mac for home use since they deal with enough windows issues at work. That is one I can fully understand and thought of at one point but after setting up the domain I found it allowed me control that was perfect with teens and the rest. They can't even get on a computer without

Understand that. The best description I ever heard of the differences was that Mac was for the average person, windows is more for the power user since you can dig deep in to it easier. I also rarely have problems but then again, I run a professional domain with Server 2003 here at home. My kids are scared to go to

Sorry, been busy.

It has a habit of taking over and refusing to release other types of media for other players that I find work better, it has some stability issues, I have killed auto-updating on it and that has never seemed to hold more than one or two updates.

Admittedly I haven't allowed it on any of my computers

If you ever see an HD Zune, take a look at the interface for it. MUCH better than anything else I ever tried. Shame the dumped making them. I have one and some spare parts to keep running them for a while.

The main problem for is is the the iTunes tries to take over all it can on a Windows computer, has had stability

No problem, you can just go tell all those in the military serving in places like Afghanistan, Qatar, Germany and the rest to screw off. After all, who cares if the country they are stationed in doesn't meet the requirements so isn't on the list MS made? Those guys shouldn't be able to play off line where no internet

Yeah, we should never meet in person then. I have the same bad habits but I appear to have a but better luck with it. I ride a motorcycle when I can and a long trip on top of relaxing while waiting at the doctor (usually the VA which takes forever!) with netflix and it is dead. That and I despise iTunes with a passion

Oh, understand, I wasn't trying to be disagreeable as much and point out the most plausible item is they went overboard in sprucing it up. I am actually an Android fan as I have spent too much time working on Apple computers. They are great for many users but when you have to administer the machines and need to dig