
So, I named my son after the 65 MkI. Yeah, pardon me while I take my laptop in to the bathroom for a while.....

Now playing

People hate Prius owners because so many are sanctimonious asshats like this. I have plenty of them who act like this around me though I use biodiesel I make myself a lot so am even nicer to the environment than these idiots.

Sure, find me a vehicle besides that truck that can pull my 15,000lb trailer I have for my small business. Maybe I can hook it all up to a Fiat 500 Arbath or a Smart truck?

I drive an F250 crew with the 8ft bed. Looking at it, the cart kills him taking only two spaces since it is blocking part of one. Add in the long bed and you won't fit in most spaces unless you stick out in to the drive path by several feet. Compare to all the douchebags in their BMW, Civic, Evo or WRi that take up 4