
With the F-14 retired, I've got to say that the Flanker is probably the sexist combat aircraft in the skies today.

dat air brake doe

quick, put it in a bag of rice!

in 2008, he was 21 years old. he was an adult and should have made adult financial decisions.

going digital with consoles is always a bad idea. consoles are closed platforms , you are completely dependent on the console manufacturer for all of your games.

I suppose the people who were unable to play a game that they had purchased probably care. Also, the people who wanted to buy the game and couldn't find it. Plus people who are just generally on the side of the consumer probably care about this type of thing. Certainly enough people to warrant an explanation.

Monster has been screwing consumers for years with their junk.

Congress disagrees.

Way to kill the buzz buddy. Now, should we go on a lengthy political discussion on the actions of the Coalition Against Terror in the Middle East and by the end of it cuss at each-other in every way possible due to everyone's different stances on the matter and the anonymity provided by the web, or should we just

Just out of curiosity, what kind of car do you drive? Who made your TV and computer?

The fact that people question why a person would kill an animal and eat it shows how detached the majority of our population is from their own humanity.

The airlines will never permit MagLev trains.

You mean spending billions upon billions of dollars for a single event that has only short term income for a specific venue is a bad investment? Geez, never would have thought.

More like EA hate.

It's not "Hate" if the system is utter shit. That's just "the truth".

Losers whine about their best. Winners go home and . . . make fun of awesome stuff in kinja?

Must suck knowing that no one ever wants to invite you to anything fun with an attitude like that...

But its going to be amazing.