The Swastika alas was not originally a Nazi symbol, it started as a symbol used by Hindus and Buddhists in India. Try walking around in public with giant one on your back these days.
The Swastika alas was not originally a Nazi symbol, it started as a symbol used by Hindus and Buddhists in India. Try walking around in public with giant one on your back these days.
That’s BS, if you’ve made a character almost unbeatable when used by someone who’s kind of mastered it then you should prob go back make it more balanced Blizzard. So now it’s the players fault you made a character that way ?
And all for almost what it would cost to buy a brand new Pagani! Thank you Horacio!
That crappy side shot makes it look like a kit car based off a 89 Fiero, wtf.
Any minivan. No matter how many TVs or built in vacuum cleaners it has.
This car is not worthy, more like the Toyota Notbadia or Slightly Superion. Toyota Betterthanavergaeon, Toyota Betterthanacamryesta. But no, not a Supra.
Fuck what an asshole, just like my father. He’d do something for you then hold it over your fucking head for 10 years. “ Remember when I helped you cut down that 4 foot tree?” Yea I remember that was 5 years ago. How about me helping pour cement, dig ditches, build a retaining wall, put down SOD, paint. If you’re…
Hold the eff up, I see a whole lotta monitors but not one CB. WTF ?
Put your downpayment down now folks so your grandkids can enjoy this car when it they start delivering it to buyers.
Bet this moron is gonna be having a rap session with his supervisor’s supervisor.
Maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to be president without knowing what the Constitution actually says about freedom of the press. Dumbshit.
Cool, I was just thinking about buying a shitty small car that makes me look like I care about the environment.
Looks like white Taffy draped over 4 wheels. yummy.
He’s no terrorist, only brown people with funny sounding names who speak arabic are terrorists. No he’s just a good ole boy, who was in fear for his life when he was surrounded by all those brown people. Right Trumpers ?
Think BMW owners give Infinity owners a run for their money.
This that everyday person’s Tesla Elon was talking about ?
Hope his Sister/Wife isn’t too upset with him, it was just an accident after all.
Same reason dbags buy Jeeps and Land Rovers and they never see a trail other than the trail that leads to the mall.
Last COD I payed for was Wack Ops 1. Time to give COD another chance, least till next year’s COD Wack Ops 4 then I’m out again.